TNM Circuit Etiquette

Mister MunshunPosted on 07/17/06 at 16:20:29

This is concerning that all women fed I was considering opening awhile back (all the posts about it are in the Exports section, if you're interested). Well, when I was just beginning to seriously consider doing it, my comp died. I'm about to get the software I need to fix it, so I'll have access to all my old files and info that I'd need to put this thing together, but I just had a few questions about TNM Circuits (specifically ones run on this board) that the Circuits forum itself didn't answer. So, rather than clutter up that board with them, I figured I'd just post 'em here and see what happened.

Firstly, since I was planning on running a small, purely fictional circuit (with fictional female wrestlers (albeit inspired by real ones) in a purely fictional arena), how big of a roster would be recommended? I was thinking around 20 to keep things round, and since it was such a small fed. Should it be less? I'll need to develop the characters initially, so maybe a few less (unless some are strictly jobbers) might make more sense.

Secondly, where should I post the results to the shows? I didn't want to start throwing them up on the main TNM Circuit forum if I wasn't supposed to, that'd be pretty rude. And I wasn't planning on asking for my own forum because, honestly, I have no idea how much effort I'm going to be putting into this. I may only do two or three cards before I decided it's all bullshit and close up shop.

Third, what's a good number of matches/interview segments to have per show? In the private feds I've run on my various TNM installs, I've gone to some unrealistic lengths on my shows, i.e. using everyone on my roster on every show, including weeklies, which result in 30 to 40 matches per show, and several hours in length. But since these were private I didn't really feel it was necessary to hold to any sort of restrictions. That will, of course, be different for this fed. Anyone have any thoughts/suggestions on this?

Fourth, how important is detail in the match recap? Personally, I find few things more boring than writing (or reading) a detailed match recap. I appreciate the effort that goes into them, but if I really wanted to watch a good wrestling match, I'd invest in some ROH or WWE-retrospective DVDs. Would simply posting the last few lines of the match be enough? Or what if I gave an off-site link to the entire, TNM-simulated match? Does anyone have a preference?

Finally, my idea for this circuit is fairly... er, unique. I have problems taking just about anything seriously these days, so while the fed isn't going to be entirely comedic, it is going to be fairly light-hearted and, well, more of a (term used with great reluctance) 'wrestling-spoof' than anything else. Please don't take that to mean it'll be "Hot Shots! Wrestling Starring Charlie Sheen As 'The Champeen'" but more of a 'What Shaun of the Dead Was To Night of the Living Dead'. Now, my question is this: would anyone be interested in/open to the idea of something like that? Would any wrestling-purists on the board find it offensive?

I know I'll have an uphill battle in gaining interest in the venture, if not strictly because of the 'all female roster' than from the 'all original roster', but I wanted to run some of these by you guys to see if even opening the fed in the first place would be worth the effort.

I'd appreciate any thoughts/opinions on the matter before I give the fed anymore consideration than is due.

Thank you.
Rick GarrardPosted on 07/18/06 at 01:00:17

Firstly, since I was planning on running a small, purely fictional circuit (with fictional female wrestlers (albeit inspired by real ones) in a purely fictional arena), how big of a roster would be recommended? I was thinking around 20 to keep things round, and since it was such a small fed. Should it be less? I'll need to develop the characters initially, so maybe a few less (unless some are strictly jobbers) might make more sense.
20 is a good start.  You can always add more as you need them.  When was running my all fantasy wrestler "RUFF" circuit, I started with 20 and it worked out well.

Secondly, where should I post the results to the shows?
In the TNM Circuits forum.  That's what it is there for.  If you go back and look, several circuits there have flamed out relatively quickly, while others like Matt Harms NAWA and Snabbit's GCW have been there for a long while.  (Matt if you read this, you really need your own section, you've earned it)

Third, what's a good number of matches/interview segments to have per show? [cut for length]. Anyone have any thoughts/suggestions on this?
Write for yourself and make it enjoyable for yourself.  If you write for the fans, you will end up hating it more likely than not.

Fourth, how important is detail in the match recap? Personally, I find few things more boring than writing (or reading) a detailed match recap. I appreciate the effort that goes into them, but if I really wanted to watch a good wrestling match, I'd invest in some ROH or WWE-retrospective DVDs. Would simply posting the last few lines of the match be enough? Or what if I gave an off-site link to the entire, TNM-simulated match? Does anyone have a preference?
Again, do whatever you feel most comfortable with.  I tend to change my style based upon how well the circuit reads and how much info I want the readers to know.

Finally, my idea for this circuit is fairly... er, unique. I have problems taking just about anything seriously these days, so while the fed isn't going to be entirely comedic, it is going to be fairly light-hearted and, well, more of a (term used with great reluctance) 'wrestling-spoof' than anything else. Please don't take that to mean it'll be "Hot Shots! Wrestling Starring Charlie Sheen As 'The Champeen'" but more of a 'What Shaun of the Dead Was To Night of the Living Dead'. Now, my question is this: would anyone be interested in/open to the idea of something like that? Would any wrestling-purists on the board find it offensive?
Unique is good.  In fact, things that are different around here, usually get a fair amount of views, because anybody can run a Hulk Hogan/The Rock/Triple H based circuit, but not every one can successfully pull off making Barry Horowitz the King of the World.  ;)  Just remember as one member once said Horowitz 3:16!