New E-Mail + Upgrade?

Conforming_GodPosted on 06/27/03 at 06:28:54

  I'm a longtime fan of the TNM series (well, since 6.2), and I have always ordered the new programs as soon as they became available (a couple of days late on this one - drat!). Anyway, I just got done ordering the SE upgrade with the TweakCirc Full version via Paypal when something occured to me: I am still registered under my old e-mail. I was wondering if this would be a problem. It tried upgrading my address via the link on the front page, but I get the dreaded "Forbidden" page everytime. Should I worry about the upgrade proceeding smoothly, or will everything sort itself out? Thanks in advance.
Oliver CoppPosted on 06/27/03 at 11:56:47

That's no problem at all. I'm always cross-checking name and e-mail address. If either matches, fine. If not, I reply asking for details.

Thanks !
Conforming_GodPosted on 06/27/03 at 13:42:13


Well, I certainly feel better about that. I was really sweating bullets here, pacing back and forth while looking at all of the fresh FCA Cubed Plugins I downloaded. Thank you for your prompt response! As always, Oliver, it has been a pleasure.