Hiring trick, plus weird install bug?

ggazooPosted on 06/13/03 at 00:52:18

Maybe it's because I'm using an emulator, but I found a way around hiring someone if they say no, and it doesn't involve using the "~" key for every match. I like the hiring process, but I have used this when starting new circuits, and only when I *really* wanted someone.

When the screen says "Xxxx doesn't want to work for you at the moment", restart Dos onthis screen. When you go back into your circuit, he'll still be in the pool. Just keep repeating this until he/she says yes.

And I found a weird glitch when installing. When TNM says that you need to choose certain identities for some wrestlers when installing, it usually doesn't mattter. For example if I select "Mankind", Cactus Jack and Dude Love will be installed anyway.

And finally, is there any way to manage duplicates? If I'm hiring Lance Storm, for example, I'll get 2 Justin Credible's as his tag team partner. But when I go to delete one of the Credible's, he's not there.

Anyone ever see this?

Dragon_XPosted on 06/16/03 at 00:17:24

It will show multiples if they were tag team by different names.
91Posted on 06/16/03 at 01:05:22

If you want a quicker way of adding someone to your roster, switch it to E-Mail mode, go through the hiring process with anyone you want (they'll automatically joib) then switch it back off E-Mail mode and everyone you hired will be on your roster.
Oliver CoppPosted on 06/16/03 at 19:31:18

Could the circuit's database be a bit screwy in this circuit ? What does TNM7DIAG say ?