Error 5 at pgm-ctr: 18358

BobHollyPosted on 05/26/03 at 23:01:11

I created a new circuit and when I come back to my circuit screen it gives me Error 5 at pgm-ctr: 18358. I had 8 circuits so far and with the new one it made 9, have I reached the limit? But most importantly, what can I do to unscrew this situation?
BobHollyPosted on 05/27/03 at 00:26:56

I think I fixed it. I edited Card.lgs to erase my latest circuit.

But is 8 circuits the limit or I have another problem with my TNM?
Oliver CoppPosted on 05/27/03 at 16:30:47

Might want to keep the names of your circuits short, that increases the number of circuits.
BobHollyPosted on 05/29/03 at 06:26:53

So there's a number of charater limit? Isn't card.lgs line per line based?
Oliver CoppPosted on 05/29/03 at 08:34:53

Yes, it is. However, every circuit is given a button on-screen. The longer the circuit names, the less buttons will fit on screen.

Also, you *might* have added a blank line to the end of CARD.LGS which could also explain that behaviour.
BobHollyPosted on 05/29/03 at 09:12:19

Ok, I didn't thought the maximum number of circuit was based on the "on screen space"...

I actually deleted the blank line after my last "authorised" circuit having the "pointer" on the same line as my last circuit and it gave me the same "Error 5". So I edited it again with a new line and it works perfectly since... I guess it's always pretty tricky to "play" with data files with notepad...

thanks Oliver.
Oliver CoppPosted on 05/29/03 at 12:42:06

An easy thing to remember: if you edit CARD.LGS manually for any reason, make sure it has a number of lines that is a multiple of 3. Otherwise it will crash because the program isn't expecting you to tinker with its files ;-)