
Yet_Another_MikePosted on 05/18/03 at 06:49:40

I was running a match for the first time in a long time, and I had a match end after a slap. I went into the database, and checked the move out. The "may end match" box wasn't checked, so what gives?

I also checked into a few other moves, particularly "flying" moves. I don't agree with the logic used, but I may be missing something. For example, both flying bulldog and flying clothesline had the "any" box checked for the opponents position. How do you execute a flying bulldog on an opponent lying on the mat? I would think that the opponent would have to be on his feet. Also, on the following page (the "more" button, I think that the "may be done from behind opponent" box should be checked. Can anyone explain?
kicPosted on 05/18/03 at 20:19:35

I've had some crappy moves end a match, but not a slap. That does sound a little...dumb.

And I dunno what the deal is with those other options. Doing a bulldog on someone while they're on the mat just doesn't sound right.  I'm going to have to delve into the DB and see what's going on in there. May have to do some editing if this is the case....
Yet_Another_MikePosted on 05/18/03 at 22:17:40

Yeah, it really does make a difference in the flow of the match. I had three double flying clotheslines occur in one match. I deselected the "may be used as a doubleteam move" option after that.
Oliver CoppPosted on 05/20/03 at 11:30:22

Maybe the name of the option isn't worded optimally.

It's not about doing a bulldog from the top rope while the opponent is lying down.

If "on the mat" is checked, that means that the move can ONLY be done if the opponent has been planted on the mat first.

If ANY is checked, it means that if the opponent is on his feet, the wrestler can go to the top rope and perform the move AND that while the opponent is on the mat, he can make his way up there as well and wait until the opponent gets to his feet again.

Hope that clears it up.
Yet_Another_MikePosted on 05/20/03 at 21:32:21

Yup. It does. Thanks Oliver.