Need help with plugin

Trance7500Posted on 04/06/03 at 22:57:42

I am using the TFP13 (financial planner plugin) and I would like to use it to calculate my finances as I wish to make my federation as realistic as possible

The problem I have is that on the PPV, it does not matter how many 5 star matches I have, or how many titles change hands, or what-ever, the attendance is always pathetically low (my highest attendance was 2175 for a "wrestlemania" style show)

In the words of The Hurricane "what's up with that"?

Is there a better plug-in, or do you guys and gals know of a way to calculate the revenue (because in my fed, it costs about $30,000 to host a PPV)

Any help is appriciated, because I want to include this feature in my fed.
Oliver CoppPosted on 04/07/03 at 08:28:44

Not being the author of TFP, there's little in that area I can do for you.

However, to give a more "realistic" background on costs - producing an average WWE PPV costs between $600,000 and $900,000, WrestleMania has cost between $1.2 million and $1.7 million the past few years.

For $60,000 you don't even get proper lighting and the camera crew.
LillaThrillaPosted on 04/07/03 at 09:05:25

Hey Oliver,

Do those costs include salaries for wrestlers & other employees?  And about how much does a PPV take in with attendance & buyrate?
Oliver CoppPosted on 04/10/03 at 12:27:12

These costs are just for production, i.e. excluding salaries of talent that is under contract but INCLUDING salaries from the production crew. For WWE, it might even be a bit lower than that because the $900,000 figure is for using an external camera and lighting crew, which WWE doesn't do.

Accurate figures aren't readily available for all PPVs but a good WrestleMania takes in between $40 million and $60 million domestically plus international deals.