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What's your biggest beef with export files?

ROH, Indy, and Puro Mark69Posted on 12/02/08 at 05:37:02

I know what mine is but what's yours?

Here is mine: I hate when people rename moves such as power bomb to powerbomb and then when the person who downloads said export with that on there would have to remove said moves because they already had the same move in their game under the default name. Bulldog headlock is another one that I often run into alot, same with spinebuster, when spinebuster slam is the same move. I remember (not recently) I downloaded an export that had no less than 100 renamed moves. Also, some of the old fantasy exports had all these ZZZ demon moves.

Personally if you change the name of a certain move you should at least provide a readme file along with the export telling which moves you changed.
Larry MondelloPosted on 12/02/08 at 16:32:32

That bugs me as well.

Having the same move in the database 10 times under 10 different names is rather aggrevating.
Rick GarrardPosted on 12/03/08 at 00:56:26

and yet "drop toe hold" was never in the initial database.  :)
TheImpalerTMXPosted on 12/03/08 at 03:10:21

Besides the move thing, international bias. Or I guess more appropriately American bias. The biggest problem with this, however, is that the argument for both sides is valid.

Let's use Akira Taue, for example. The old, official site version had his charisma at something ridiculously low - I want to say 30. Now for anyone who is running a  Japanese-style promotion, as I often did back in those days, that is criminally low. Sure, amongst Japanese guys even he shouldn't be a charisma machine, but 30?  (Cripes and I just looked at the one I have now and it is at 10!).

However, take the flip side of that. Put Akira Taue on a more "global" scale, having more objective, universal measures as far as determining stats. I could see why he would have such low charisma because really his schtick only works in Japan. Granted I still think 10-30 is too low, considering I haven't seen many exports with charisma under 60.

TNM-UK being the main source for exports and really the only game in town at this point has worked to consolidate this issue (as well as the business with moves). In the long run it isn't a huge problem because of course you can tweak things to your liking. You can tell that the export makers seem to stick to how guys operate within their given scene, but it becomes a problem when you try to cross the two. I mean, does anyone have a valid argument for Christian Cage being a better worker than Shuji Kondo, Hiroki Goto, Takashi Sugiura, Chessman (to show it isn't just Japanese guys) or even Kensuke Sasaki?

On the global scale I usually find these international guys to be more accurate. Think about it, you really should not be pulling out multiple **** matches (using a universal scale) on every card you run. However, if you have these exports tailored more to a certain style than I can see the ratings being looked at as suited for that style.

The same problem happens with Fire Pro edits - everyone has their own standards, but those standards work if all your edits are made to that standard. My friend and I run into this as we have put together our own little Fire Pro promotion. I build my exports to be more on the level of indy guys so they hold up well to say guys in Michinoku Pro or DDT, but would be overwhelmed by midcarders in a promotion like NJPW and completely wrecked by the top guys. If my friend were to use his system of edits against the defaults then they can at least stand up to most of the top guys in the bigger promotions. So we have to beef up my guys stats, but it all works because we only use our edits for our co-promotion - stats in Fire Pro are relative so it is never an issue once we raise the stats on my edit.

I guess its an unavoidable problem, but it is usually my biggest gripe nonetheless. I'd certainly like to hear other peoples' views on this subject if they feel they want to put in their two cents.
THE SMILE OF JACK SWAGGERPosted on 12/03/08 at 03:27:05

The original export of Taue way back in 1998 was set to 10 by Jose, I believe. For the initial release it sorta made sense in that he was very "stoic" for most his career in the 90s.

Of course, "charisma" in TNM is really overness, so he should have had somewhere in the 90s.

As far as workrate goes: You're always going to have arguments here. I think lots of guys that people think should have 100s aren't really that good of workers all-in-all. Kondo is a guy you'll find very diverse opinions, since he still wrestles like a DG guy in his big singles matches (and a lot of people really dislike the overkill style of DG).

I personally love Kondo, but if I was going to give him a number for workrate at this point, it probably would be in the high 80s, especially when you take into account how * ratings accumulate in TNM at this point.

Keep in mind how much easier Oliver made it for ratings to be high in Second Edition. You can take two guys at 80 with both havingn 8/9 heat and have a **** with no problem (maybe a bit of an exaggeration.) But most people have made no adjustments in their exports for SE.

Of course, TNM is so customizable that I don't see the problem. If someone thinks Christian is legitimately a better worker than <Random Japanese wrestler here>, who cares? Change it.

Also, Chessman REALLY is not that great of a pure worker. Don't get me wrong, he's fucking awesome, but in any match I've seen him that isn't primarily a brawl or spotfest, he can have some of the worst matches. Ciber vs Chessman at Verano de Escandalo is one of the worst matches I've seen this year.

Whether you want "workrate" to refer to "pure wrestling" (god I hate that term, but bear with me) or something more (see: Mankind/Foley) is up to you, of course.