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Nik Avatar??

Psymin1Posted on 09/08/08 at 21:29:14

Hey guys, I was reading through an old fed of mine last night, and I have a guy names Nik Avatar in there.  I googled him and was unable to find anything; I even checked and got nowhere.  Any ideas on who this guy is?  I have a feeling he MIGHT be an original wrestler of one of you guys on here, because they seem to sneak into my TNM from time to time.  Thanks for any help, guys!

Owen Hart, RIPPosted on 10/26/08 at 17:00:42

My guess is that it is a fantasy wrestler, or some lesser known obscure indy guy. I've had that too with a few fantasy guys leaking into my real circuits, but I also had the other way around with some lesser known indy guys showing up in my fantasy feds