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Troy Perry's Export Templates

Neil_BonserPosted on 04/17/08 at 16:15:49

Can someone explain these to me?

How are they used within TNM7 and what do I have to do with them?


The TNM Members ChampPosted on 04/17/08 at 16:23:38

Each template or export fits a different style of wrestler, from what I remember. So you would import whichever style of wrestler you want (for example, if you want to create someone who uses the lucha style, download that) and then you would change the information of the export to whichever wrestler you're trying to create.

So, if you wanted to create Mistico, for example, you would change the name of the export to Mistico, and fill in the rest of the basic information, and then tweak the rest to fit the wrestler you wanted to create.