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Fully written or summarized interviews?

The TNM Members ChampPosted on 09/17/07 at 02:14:10

As a reader of TNM circuits, what style of interview do you prefer? The written out interviews where the characters talk or a summary of what the wrestler said?
mamushiPosted on 09/17/07 at 02:30:40

If you can pull off making their dialog sound real and make their personalities shine through within what you're doing, seeing what they are actually saying can make for some good reading.  But summaries are just as good.  They get the point across and usually in less words.
LillaThrillaPosted on 09/17/07 at 05:16:29

I agree with mamushi.

It's better to write dialog IF you can make them sound like characters.  Otherwise, go summary.

If one were to read all my circuits, PWF was the only one I wrote dialog frequently.  IHLW and XPW had some dialog, but it tended to be simple and/or cliched.

That's one of the reasons I like doing fantasy wrestler circuits; if I did a WWE circuit and people could legitly gripe that I was screwing up an established character or making them talk in a way they didn't talk.  With fantasy guys, if you don't like the dialog, it's a bad character not a hatchet job of a real character. :)
Snabbit888Posted on 09/17/07 at 10:53:44

The negative flip of doing a fantasy circuit though is that in order for it to be any good, you almost HAVE to write out the dialogue word-for-word, since nobody else but you knows what the characters are like, how they act, etc.  It's doable with summaries, but much harder.
mdale2kPosted on 09/17/07 at 17:33:32

On 09/17/07 at 02:30:40, mamushi wrote:If you can pull off making their dialog sound real and make their personalities shine through within what you're doing, seeing what they are actually saying can make for some good reading. But summaries are just as good. They get the point across and usually in less words.
I agree.  I usually do a cross.  In one of my WWE leagues (A raw, smackdown and ECW) circuits, I write out all interviews that are big main type angles and for Sean O'Haire (who I am doing the 'Hell I am not telling you anything you don't already know' angle).  And then for smaller feuds I will do a summary.  

I personally like to do the Dialog just because i think it adds a lot and espically if you are using guys that I have never heard / know their angle.  For example if someone is doing an ROH fed and having like Danielson, Albright, those guys interview I like to read the dialog to get a feel for the character.
91Posted on 09/18/07 at 21:28:17

I always summarise for my weekly shows and go full hog for the PPVs and any other large shows. But my summaries are always have enough depth to be going along with anyway.
C-R-P-L-SPosted on 09/18/07 at 22:23:33

For example if someone is doing an ROH fed and having like Danielson, Albright, those guys interview I like to read the dialog to get a feel for the character.
Albright doesn't have any character... :)
JeepGuyPosted on 01/30/08 at 16:56:23

For me as a reader, it depends on how long the card is and how much time I have available. The longer it is, the more I prefer the summary interview style. They are shorter and can be well done. I have seen several circuits done in this style that were very good reads.

On the flipside, I prefer either of those two styles to the "just match results" style. For some reason, those do nothing for me.
ThnikkamanPosted on 01/30/08 at 21:33:48

I like to read both. However, I use summary style because sometimes I just am not familiar with the wrestler I am using, and because I just don't have all the time in the world to write up good interview pieces.

As for full results to results only, I give the nod to full. However, I will use results only for house shows because I don't really move any storylines along at a house show.
blslivewirePosted on 01/31/08 at 02:58:03

I prefer summaries for 2 reasons:

1. I'm lazy and if I had to write all the promos I wouldn't get very far

2. I think it's essential that wreslters cut their own promos. As we all know, just about everyone in WWE and TNA memorize a script and, well, it kind of shows.

So I try to give a detailed outline of where I want the promos to go and let immaginations take over.