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Feedback on circuits question

lazy_duckPosted on 08/06/06 at 11:03:59

Hey everyone,

 I've been reading the many great wrestling circuits on the fourm and I just want to say keep up the good work, I would try to run one but I have no imagination at all, well not up to the level you guys seem to be. My question is I noticed that not all circuits get feedback and some circuits get more feedback then others. What promps you to feedback on a circuit if you do?

Popularity? Are the circuits that have lots of feedback the more popular ones?

Friendships? Are they friends of the person running the fed?

You post on mine I'll post on yours? is it proper or expected that if you feedback on one persons fed you have to return the favor?

Intrest? Are people only posting on feds they are interested in?

Constructive criticism? Do you only post to let the person know what is wrong and how to change it?

Does it matter how many Stars a person have that moves you to post.

Just wondering to see what gets people to post.

Thanks for any comments,

Snabbit888Posted on 08/06/06 at 11:15:41

For me, the way I feedback is pretty simple.  If you feedback me, I will try to feedback you.  It is only fair that if someone takes the time to look at your stuff, you at least give their's a read.

I also, as a general rule, don't feedback if the circuit is unbooked.  It can be entertaining, sure, but to me, if you're running unbooked, it's not really YOU that's doing the work.  You're just reporting what TNM did.  I can buy Funaki being your champion if you did a great angle to explain it.  I just don't care that much if he's your champion because TNM made him so.  Some people like that route, and that's fine.  Just not my cup of tea.

I think I have one of the more popular circuits here, and a big part of mine is longevity too.  Some people won't get feedback because we're all not sure whether the circuit will be around a week from now.  My circuit has run since March 2004 real time, so people know I'm going to keep posting.  91 has been doing his circuit, DWF, since 2000 or 2001.  I'm more likely to feedback a circuit like that because I know he's in it for the long haul.  Also, I've been a part of the TNM community for almost 10 years now, so that plays a small part I would think too.

And one other aspect is just overall quality and personal tastes.  We just have different opinions.  That's what makes this forum great.  If you like booked circuits with a lot of detail, you can read my GCW, DWF, or Matt Harms' NAWA.  If you want a different take on a real fed, you can read something like HugeRockStar's Smackdown and ECW circuits.  You want unbooked chaos, you can find that too (one of Rick's rulesets probably ;)).  Our community here is small, but we're a good bunch. :)

And don't let a presumed "lack of creativity" keep you from posting.  Trust me.  If you post it, someone is going to read it.  Either way, welcome to the forums.  Stick around, join our ragtag bunch. :)
lazy_duckPosted on 08/06/06 at 11:30:21

Hey Snabbit888

Thanks for your response. 2004 is a long time so I guess it would make sence for those who been around longer to have more of a "fan base" Are "booked" Feds more popular then "Unbooked" ones? May be a dumb question but how can you tell if a fed is booked or not? is it just by the results or you just know?

Does it matter what kinda brand your circuit is? As I read it seems feds with made up wrestlers are not as popular as ones with real one's even though I have enjoyed reading them.

Again thanks for the welcome and I'll be reading GCW after 2 years you should have one hell of a fed going.
91Posted on 08/06/06 at 14:43:24

Like Snabby said, those that have been around a while are more likely to have gathered a fanbase of sorts. If a fed ends up only being around a few weeks, did any of it matter in the grand scheme of things? Yes, longevity does help but then again if a new circuit is obviously good stuff, it'll get some early attention pretty quickly.

The sorts of ones I'm most likely to post on are those that are most similar in style to mine, the two that spring to mind is the GCW and to a lesser extent the NAWA (hmmm, same circuits as mentioned before, I think someone completely different needs to reply to this). Circuits where it's pretty must just the results don't interest me. Circuits where it's practically all fantasy wrestlers - I'm sure it's well written stuff, but my attention span doesn't stretch that far.

I'm not one to spread the criticisms of other peoples circuits, mainly because whilst someone might have done something which would prompt me to think "Gee, I wouldn't have booked it like that", I don't really want to read something that is exactly how I would have booked it, there's something to be said in the difference between the way I book things and Snabbit books things and MattHarms and Mamushis and so on, so when someone books something in a manner I wouldn't have, I take it that they're booking for themselves anyway so they know what they're doing.

And yes, I prefer booked stuff because sometimes the results TNM churn out can make very little sense in terms of the storyline - uhhhh, your unbeatable champion just lost a non-title match to Barry Horowitz a week before the big Elimination Chamber match? Whatever. Then again, there are exceptions to this rule too ('Racist' Johnny Ace anyone).
Rick GarrardPosted on 08/06/06 at 15:40:06

You want unbooked chaos, you can find that too (one of Rick's rulesets probably ).
Who said that my circuits were completely unbooked?  That's just a downright fallacy of the utmost proportions when it comes to Snabbit.  ;)  certain portions are unbooked when it comes to not mattering which guy wins, but on the other hand, certain things must happen to further certain storylines, otherwise my circuits would be a giant clusterschmozz© (especially rules set ones) when rules start overlapping thusly causing certain talents to work 5 matches on 1 card.   (I've seen it happen to some people here when they start combining a couple rules here and there).  As for the NWA-SC over over in the BCW forum, that is almost entirely a booked circuit, and if you are looking for some old school goodness, look to it, as I am trying to run it with daily house shows and a weekly Saturday TV show.  In fact, if you were to track on a map where all my shows have been, you can see the actual routes where my guys travel and it pretty much points to Atlanta being the home base of operations.

As for feedback, if you are writing here purely for feedback, you will become discouraged rather quickly.  The big thing is write what you enjoy, and be consistent in publishing content.  Granted you may churn out 10 cards in one day, but will most folks read all 10 in one setting?  Probably not.  They usually just read the last card you post.  That being said, I used to churn 5 to 10 in one day, then post one every few days after I gave people enough time to read the last card I posted, this way it left them wanting more.  Plus it keeps from having a giant lull period between cards when you don't have time to run a highly in-depth card or two.  Granted my NWA-SC is in one of those lulls that kill most circuits, but I have so much more to do with this circuit that all reports of its demise have been greatly exaggerated.

And as Ryan stated, a lot of circuits come and go.  Ryan's and Matt's are two of the longer running circuits here, and their larger readership didn't just happen over night.  It's been a slow gradual build.  A lot of folks won't post until they see a circuit has put up at least 10 cards, mainly because a lot of circuits don't make it past this almost magical point.  You can usually tell within 5 to 10 cards if a circuit is going to last or not, and a lot of the gang around here won't invest time into something if they think it is going to be a flash in the pan or a "transitional" (hi Edge) circuit.
VertigoPosted on 08/07/06 at 01:34:29

I've only posted one circuit on here and it got some feedback. I did enjoy myself, but eventually I didn't have time to go as in depth as I was (much like GCW or DWF, but not quite as much). So that fed died and I fell out of TNM for awhile.

I'm doing a results only fed with a few notes for matches but that's it. I'm not going to waste threads by posting my stuff but I'll have you know that I'm having a lot of fun.

I tend to read a lot more than I comment. That's generally what happens as people will read the stuff, but just won't comment. And that can frustrate some guys, but you can obviously tell who overlooks that. The most important thing to know is that TNM is a game and you should be having fun and not playing it for someone else.
lazy_duckPosted on 08/07/06 at 03:12:45

I want to thank everyone for their comments and please don't think i'm trying to get confrentational, It just that not just on this board but others that I've been to everyone says bascly the same thing but my response (playing the Devil's advicate here) is that everyone seems to be giving the Politicly correct answer and not the real answer.

Let me explain

Yes it is true that those who run circuits run them for the fun of running, the challenge to see if they can produce a better product then whats out ( I guess that is why some play being I've never ran one) but once you take it from your computer and place it on a public forum your basicly saying "Hey this is my fed I think it's cool take a look" You may like what your doing and you may think feedback isn't that important but if no one cares about feedback then why post it at all? Are you not posting a little to see what others think about your Fed? I'm sure someone like me who is new to the booking thing would probably post for that reason alone, yes I may like what I've done but about others? What does the Snabbit888s and Rick Garrard who (I Guess) are legends on this board think of my little project? For those who been around and have a following feedback may not be as important but for those wondering if anone is reading this stuff or are they looking and laughing and quickly backing out?

Again not trying to start anything just wondering out loud.
Rick GarrardPosted on 08/07/06 at 04:23:10

hey there duckman, for those that know me here on the forums, know that I rarely endorse another circuit through feedback here these days. And when I do, it's because I actually enjoy reading other people's work. Sadly, I don't usually read too much other stuff here, because I find that it ends up influencing my product more than I would like for the most part.

And yes, Snabbit is a legend in his own mind, but I would hardly call my work "legendary".  a couple of circuits, a rules set or two, but nothing like creating the entire TNM sim like Oliver or doing a bunch of exports like all those that came before me.
Snabbit888Posted on 08/07/06 at 04:49:18

Oh c'mon now, Rick.  You know I'm awesome. :) And within the community, you're more influential than you think, Rick.  I think it's a Terre Haute thing. :)

And lazy_duck, yes, getting feedback is nice, and if people didn't care AT ALL, you're right, hey wouldn't post.  The difference is there are people who want feedback, don't get it, but keep plugging away anyway because they like what they're doing, and then there are people who want feedback, don't get it, feel everyone hates them, and run and hide.  I know I personally love feedback.  It's nice to know the stuff I think is good gets a similar response for other people.  But even if people would say, "I hated this this and this," I would keep doing what I do the exact way I do it because I enjoy it. There's the difference.
91Posted on 08/07/06 at 19:10:37

I'd also note I don't actually post to see if anyone thinks my fed is better than anyone elses (maybe there are people who do this, I don't know), it's often more a case of "let's do some stupid shit and see if anyone finds it funny".

And truth be told, I probably read just about everybodies, I just don't always have anything to say.
JeepGuyPosted on 01/30/08 at 22:36:39

Old thread but thought it might help someone, somewhere ...

I dig the feedback. While I play the game and write up cards for my own enjoyment, I do find myself writing for others to read and (usually) have a good laugh.

I don't want just a "nice card" or a "card sucks" - I'm looking for constructive criticism. That can only make me better ... or in the case the thing is really bad, quit real fast.  ;)

I want to hear what others think ... good, bad or indifferent because it will make me a better writer/booker or at least, let me know what I might be doing wrong or missing. If there is something someone might like to see, I'd like to know because I might be able to make it happen. I have, in the past, taken comments and incorporated them into the cards.

I also think, with some comments, you might see some of these circuits last longer than a couple of weeks.
Rick GarrardPosted on 01/31/08 at 02:46:15

On 01/30/08 at 22:36:39, JeepGuy wrote:I also think, with some comments, you might see some of these circuits last longer than a couple of weeks.
One of my more commented on circuits would be RUFF... which lasted approximately 3 cards, around the 2000-2001 time frame.  Then Jobber #1 won the title, I shut it down.

As for comments on my more recent circuits, the more comments I get, the more I tend to go into WWE mode... i.e. see what the fans want and give the exact opposite.