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Quick Non-TNM/But Wrestling Related Survey: 2 ?s

Mr. Ken KennedyPosted on 09/22/07 at 15:56:45

Here they are:

1. What do you consider the top three greatest entrance themes of all time?

2. What do you consider the top three worst entrance themes of all time?
91Posted on 09/22/07 at 23:49:14

Ignoring stuff that was on general release by name bands before someone just paid the royalties to use it for wrestling (otherwise 'Freebird' would be top), in ascending numerical order...

Q1: D-Generation X, Badstreet USA and Gangrel.

Q2: Bastion Booger. OK, do I need two more? OK, X-Factor and the American Males.
phudjiePosted on 09/23/07 at 00:51:16

.....Q1 - top 3 themes - in no particular ordder, Demoltion, Honkey Tonk Man, and The Midnight Express, if I don't have to stop @ 3 then, add the nWo, Jeff Jarret's WCW theme, DDP's WCW theme.

.....Q2 - worst 3 themes - Goldberg's Megadeath theme  - Crush'em or whatever it was called, X-Facter's entrance theme was also not a good wrestling theme as well as X-Pac's D-X entrance, oh and also - the Assman intro for Billy Gunn was awfull too.

.....I think I can keep going for an hour or two on both questions, so I think I'll stop it there - for the sake of berevity......
91Posted on 09/23/07 at 00:56:37

Oh god, the Assman theme, that was just bad. And full of unintentional (possibly...) gay innuendo. Asides from the obviousness of the title, the lyrics then go "I'm a lover of every kind, the best surprises always stick 'em from behind". That says it all really. And then near the end he says "I love to pick 'em". I REALLY hope he wasn't talking about his own.
Mr. Ken KennedyPosted on 09/23/07 at 01:25:02


3. Doink Entrance (heel version)
2. DX
1. Gangrel


3. Doink Entrance (babyface version)
2. Bastion Booger
1. The Truth Commission
pszPosted on 09/23/07 at 04:25:16


Hart Foundation (last version)
Ric Flair

Damn Near Anything on WCW from 1994-1996
ZephyroPosted on 09/23/07 at 04:32:22

Best 3 :

- Road Warriors
- Freebirds (wccw)
- Jake Roberts

Worst 3

- Fabulous Rougeau Brothers
- Max Moon
- Dan Severn
rebelinsPosted on 09/23/07 at 04:40:48

Another really awesome theme song was The Hollywood Blonds.  
626punkPosted on 09/23/07 at 04:52:48

3 Best
- Owen Hart (King of Hearts)
- Chris Jericho (WCW Days)
- Hayabusa

3 Worst
- Right to Censor
- The Mountie
- TL Hopper

Those are not in a particular order. And this was also very tough to choose just 3.
91Posted on 09/23/07 at 10:15:18

Forgot TL Hopper, the Mounties was great in that early 90's cheesy way though, made all the greater when they remixed it for the Quebecers.

One other one that always bugged me was Luther Reigns. Not because it was especially bad but because they showed a total lack of imagination bearing in mind Snitsky was at the time already using practically the same theme. It was as if they'd forgotten how important a good entrance theme can be.
Zedja - TNMWA ChampionPosted on 09/23/07 at 10:21:48

1. Nation of Domination
2. Stone Cold
3. Macho Man

Just looking at it. Skip & Zip.