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A mid-match injury bug?

UnrightPosted on 02/11/07 at 06:18:01

I just had this result in a 4 corners elimination match...

Kendo Ka Shin executes an armbar takedown on Ted DiBiase.
Kendo Ka Shin kicks Ted DiBiase.
Kendo Ka Shin punches Ted DiBiase.
Ted DiBiase punches Kendo Ka Shin.
Ted DiBiase punches Kendo Ka Shin.
Ted DiBiase hits Kendo Ka Shin.
The crowd breaks into a "You Suck" chant.
Ted DiBiase collapses on the ground.
Rudy Charles checks on Ted DiBiase.
Rudy Charles motions to the timekeeper to ring the bell.
Rudy Charles signals for EMTs to tend to Ted DiBiase.

Kendo Ka Shin has been eliminated.
Ted DiBiase has been eliminated.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
It turns out that Ted Dibiase suffered a torn groin during the match. It was the first fall in the match, but why the hell did Kendo Ka Shin get eliminated?

Davey Richards went on to win the match and the title, so this leaves the door wide open to for Kendo Ka Shin to bitch about how unfair the situation is.

This is why I like TNM so much. A random fluke will jsut send my fed into a whole new unexpected direction.
Rick GarrardPosted on 02/19/07 at 02:10:31

pretty cool bug you have to admit.  
TrancePosted on 03/05/07 at 02:16:35

I have never seen that, but a few years ago, I was pitting Bret Hart against Sting, and Bret Hart was able to get Sting to submit to the sharpshooter.... but would not release the hold after the bell rang, which led to the Ref reversing the decision and awarding the victory to Sting... via a DQ
Snabbit888Posted on 03/05/07 at 04:38:45

Yeah, the reversed decision is an Easter egg Oliver had mentioned once a long long time ago. Never seen it myself though. :(
UnrightPosted on 03/05/07 at 11:23:24

Come to think of it. I haven't seen the reverse decision egg either, I don't think..
Rick GarrardPosted on 03/06/07 at 02:08:02

my TNM must be broken.. I've never seen it either... had plenty of guys pinned with the figure four bug, but never a move reversed into a DQ
Modified CravatPosted on 03/06/07 at 05:58:47

...I wanna see that match for real. (Awesome ending BTW.)
VertigoPosted on 03/07/07 at 01:23:07

Maybe KaShin felt bad and wanted to ride along with the EMTs to the hospital.
Munshun For PresidentPosted on 03/07/07 at 01:45:32

Wait... DiBiase hits Ka Shin, and pulls his groin?! How does THAT work?!
ZedjaPosted on 03/07/07 at 08:42:31

Maybe he tried a Johnny Cage Groinpunch ;)