Dis cused before.. But it is early/late

TNM7Posted on 12/04/07 at 10:28:30

I am now on Ubuntu (7.10, not that it matters). I remember that Wine or DOSBox is the way to get TNM to run  in a emulated mode.

How exactly to get it to work. I am kinda new at this Ubuntu/Linux stuff as I am trying to break away from Microsoft.

Thanks in advance.

pszPosted on 12/04/07 at 14:23:40

Get DosBOX, compile it, following the CFG instructions.

Once you've got it "up and running", TNM should work fine (I use DosBOX to run TNM from 64bit Windows)
TNM7Posted on 12/04/07 at 17:01:38

So DOSBox is the way to go?
I shall hunt is down and layeth the Smacketh Down upon its...... Wait, sorry.. bad dream!
Rick GarrardPosted on 12/05/07 at 00:39:17

you didn't shine it up real nice and turn that sumbitch sideways, gonna be real hard to layeth it downeth, brutha!