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Hiring a roster

HugeRockStar760Posted on 08/22/06 at 17:36:13

I was wondering what you base your decisions on hiring a roster. Mainly, especially for a circuit not based on a real promotion (WWE, TNA, etc).

For instance, do you set things by main eventer, upper midcard, midcard, etc...Or by title division and who will mainly compete for them (World, US, Tag Titles, etc).

Or do you just hire whoever you want and not concern yourself with their status in the promotion?

Don't worry. I won't ask you fans to vote for who should be in my wrestling promotion.
91Posted on 08/22/06 at 19:11:21

I think the "splitting them by division" bit covered how I do it. I started off by picking several people to cover the main event scene, then a bunch more for the second tier, then a number of tag teams, then filled off some gaps in the third tier, cruiserweights and jobbers. And if it wasn't too crowded yet, I'd probably finish by throwing in a couple more based on who I had.

As for WHO fills each of these gaps, I dunno, whoever I like really. In every circuit I've ever had, Benoit, Jericho, RVD, Michaels and Douglas have been ever present at the start, but since I've had the same circuit for the last five years, I don't know if this would still apply.
americamamushiPosted on 08/22/06 at 19:49:38

I tend to just pick guys I think I can work with.  Doesn't have to be guys I like terribly much or at all, just ones I think I can use and write for.  I also tend to loosely think "Main event, midcard, lowcard" as well to try and keep things relatively even, but I usually don't bother with it enough to make anything other than a mental note about it.
Snabbit888Posted on 08/22/06 at 22:10:37

I usually start with 24-28 wrestlers.  I hire 4 teams, 2 face and 2 heel to cover 8.  Then I split the remaining into singles wrestlers, an even amount of face and heels doing one-third main eventers, one-third midcard, one-third lowcard.  Of course as the circuit progresses, their place on the card can change dramatically (Lance Storm from fodder to 2-time NA champion, not instance).
Rick GarrardPosted on 08/23/06 at 07:16:20

I agree with Ryan on this one.  I usually do 20 instead of his 24 to 28 for a starting roster, but essentially I do what he does.  The reason I limit it to 20 is because that was the original default number of guys you could hire in tnm6.2.  How's that for nostalgia?
Snabbit888Posted on 08/23/06 at 07:47:26

It's still unofficially the number too.  I will sometimes get wrestlers turning down my contracts when I have 19 guys hired.  But I usually cheat to get who I want anyway. :)
meetzorakPosted on 08/23/06 at 08:03:44

I agree with ryan except i use anywhere from 30-32 wrestlers.