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Best angle you've seen?

Snabbit888Posted on 01/13/06 at 01:57:36

We had a thread some time ago based on your favorite angle you ever ran in your circuit.  Now what is your favorite angle you've ever seen someone else do?  I need a bit of time to think on it, but I will give mine soon.
UnrightPosted on 01/13/06 at 02:59:13

On these here boards, I gotta admit "Unnecessarily Evil" John Cena is the first thing that popped to mind.

Outside these boards... Quite frankly, Violence Championship Wrestling has some of the best angles I've ever seen anywhere.  (
Snabbit888Posted on 01/13/06 at 03:19:35

I always found Jesse's stuff to be a little too "over-the-top."  It was well-written and well-thought out, but a good chunk of it just seemed out of the realm of reality.
UnrightPosted on 01/13/06 at 03:32:06

I can't deny that. It can step outside the boundaries of being physically possible at times. Depictions of violence and sex are graphic and a little exagerated.

But the story... The Black Family Saga alone has been running for over 3 years with new and shocking twists and turns. Owen Addison's mysogny, Paul Canyon's earnestness, Crimson's brutality, Chris Champlain's sadism, Lance Errington's depression and later renewal, Johnny Smile's... well, just Johnny Smiles. period.

The drama is dramatic. The comedic stuff is funny. (Super Fat Cat Ladder Scramble Match was classic) Good stuff all around.
americamamushiPosted on 01/13/06 at 05:34:10

Kurt  ;D
Rick GarrardPosted on 01/13/06 at 07:01:26

Anubis is a damned good gimmick.

edit:  Gimmick in the sense that Jerry Lawler describes in his book.  ;)
91Posted on 01/13/06 at 20:28:35

A mate of mine had Steve Austin and Bret Hart teaming up as "The Bitter Legends", where they constantly threw hissy fits about anything and everything. One of my favourite segments involved the pair of them taking an entire show to make their entrance whilst they bitched at everyone, with the rest of the show going on around them. Despite my liking both men, it made for some DAMNED funny stuff.

Also worth noting from on the boards are Mattharms Backyard Dudes/French Revolution feud and of course "Racist" Johnny Ace with both being doubly funny too. And Snabbys current feud with Chris Benoit and Steve Bradley got off to an awesome start, and the build to Abyss becoming face was well done.
Snabbit888Posted on 01/13/06 at 20:38:45


91's main event scene has been very well-booked over the past DWF year or so.  As a matter of fact, most of your stuff, 91, I've thoroughly enjoyed.  There are very few things I've seen and went, "Oh, well that was bad."  You do very well at longterm booking while still allowing changes to take place where appropriate.

Tommy's angle with Daffney being Sting's daughter was very cool too.
americamamushiPosted on 01/14/06 at 10:14:15

Racist Johnny Ace was freakin' classic
Captain TagonPosted on 01/15/06 at 19:19:27

Someone needs to beat Crimson. And beat him bad.
CrplsPosted on 01/26/06 at 04:41:53

Tommy's angle with Daffney being Sting's daughter was very cool too.
I hate you sooooooo much. But in a nice and loving way.
Tommy BrownellPosted on 02/06/06 at 05:57:51

On 01/13/06 at 20:38:45, Snabbit888 wrote:Tommy's angle with Daffney being Sting's daughter was very cool too.
Awwww...that just warmed my cockles.