bow-and-arrow dragon sleeper?

Hockey LovahPosted on 10/11/07 at 18:27:54

Is it the same as the bodyscissors dragon sleeper?
LillaThrillaPosted on 10/12/07 at 00:12:27

A bodyscissors dragon sleeper is a dragon sleeper (Ultimo Dragon's WCW finisher - basicly, an inverted guillotine choke) with bodyscissors  (you wrap your legs around their torso).  I think Dan Severn used it as a finisher during his WWF run I think.

I was under the impression than a bow-and-arrow submission is where you get the opponent on their side on the mat then grab one of their arms with your right hand, grab one of their legs with your left hand, and put your knee into the small of their back then pull back with you arms while driving your knee into their back.  So its a kind of backbreaker submission essentially.

Given that, I assumed a bow-and-arrow dragon sleeper was a bow-and-arrow submission where you place them in a dragon sleeper instead of grabbing their arm but otherwise its the same as a regular bow-and-arrow.  Sounds a bit awkard to me, but given some of the crazy awkward submissions I've seen done in lucha libre it ain't nothin'. :P

Someone feel free to correct me though.
AzraelPosted on 10/12/07 at 02:45:44

I think a bow-and-arrow dragon sleeper is where an attacker has his opponent up in a surfboard and then rock forward so that the attacker's sitting up and the opponent's on his knees, but otherwise still in the same surfboard. The attacker then pulls back on the opponent, releases his hands and quickly applies a dragon sleeper.

I know Lyger used to do that move, I don't know if he still does.

But that all assumes that the person naming the move was calling a surfboard a bow-and-arrow submission, which I think has to be the case. I always thought a bow-and-arrow was what Liller described and can't see how a dragon sleeper would happen out of that.