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TNM Color Pallette

PH4EPosted on 09/24/05 at 17:34:16

I was messing with the TNM color pallette, not realizing you couldn't set it back to default once you pressed OK and now I can't get it back to normal.

Could someone post the default color scheme?

You can also post some cool color schemes that you've created yourself and share them with others if you have any.

Psymin1Posted on 09/24/05 at 17:37:01

There should be a reset button on it (There is on mine, anyway).  But, it is as follows:

Red= 0%
Green= 0%

There ya are.  Hope that helps.

PH4EPosted on 09/24/05 at 18:04:41

The reset button resets it to where it was when you started to edit it, not to default. If you change it and press OK, then after that, reset sets it back to what you changed it to.

And what you posted is only one color. There is close to 20 colors.

Sorry about that.  :-/