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Your TNM-RG Ruleset Circuits

Psymin1Posted on 08/01/05 at 04:47:48


Well, since I can't figure out whats wrong with my Circuit History Plugin, I decided to take a look (again) at Rick Garrard's TNM-RG Circuit that is up on the web with an astonishing 520 cards. So, it made me wonder what everyone else has done using these awesome rules.

1.  What is your longest running fed (TNM Years and
    Amount of Cards) using the ruleset?

2.  What is your longest running fed period (Using no or
    another ruleset)?

3.  What would you consider your most successful TNM
    RG fed? And the worst? And who were the starting
    wrestlers for both?

4.  How many feds have you started using this ruleset?

5.  From a person who feels they are usually successful
    using these rules, do you have any advice on how
    others could be successful at it (such as did you hire
    a new "m" wrestler every card, or barely any at all
    after the first card)?

6.  What is your favorite ruleset you have ever used in
    the TNM7 world?

7.  And finally, are any of these ciruits you have run
    using Ricks TNM-RG Rules online anywhere?

Alright, well, that's that. You dont hafta reply if you don't want, it's just me being bored and curious. I know I, personally, have never had a circuit over like 10 cards...I have no idea why. I guess I just run out of ideas. But, I am running a circuit right now that is using Americanmusha's TNM Ruleset which I am at my 12th card and still loving the circuit, so I hope that one will take off and last a while. Alright, thanks for reading and for any responses I may get.

Rick GarrardPosted on 08/01/05 at 06:06:45

Well Psymin, since you so graciously asked, I will be the first to reply to this thread.

1.  What is your longest running fed (TNM Years and
    Amount of Cards) using the ruleset?

The TNM-RG Memphis TV Studio circuit that online only has 520 cards posted, actually lasted another 52 cards to complete a whopping 11 sim years and 572 cards.

2.  What is your longest running fed period (Using no or
    another ruleset)?
My longest running was the first ever one I ran using TNM 6.2.  I actually got TNM to roll into a second circuit with that one, which was also the purpose for doing the TNM-RG rules initially.

3.  What would you consider your most successful TNM
    RG fed?  And the worst?  And who were the starting
    wrestlers for both?

I've only really done one, and that was Memphis with the usual Memphis suspects.  

4.  How many feds have you started using this ruleset?
If you consider the new "Wrestling at the Arena" circuit I am doing to be using TNM-RG, then I guess two, but in reality the new stuff is using a heavily modified version of the rule set, which I may reveal at a later date.

5.  From a person who feels they are usually successful
    using these rules, do you have any advice on how
    others could be successful at it (such as did you hire
    a new "m" wrestler every card, or barely any at all
    after the first card)?

What I like to do is to maintain the same number of folks (6 I believe the rules stated) under a full contract at any given time, then everyone else is only extended with a minimum contract at best, if they wish to renew at all.  Thusly, I like to keep a number double of the minimum contracts on the roster at any one time.  So if the roster calls for a minimum 6 full contracts, then I keep another 6 on the roster and only use the "m" feature to bring in someone when that number falls below 6.

6.  What is your favorite ruleset you have ever used in
    the TNM7 world?
Hmm... I'd have to say it's a toss up between Derek Thorell's PWWTNM rules, my Old School Rules, and the TNM-RG rules.  PWWTNM because they were the original set.  Old School because even if two people start with the same rosters, they will not end up in the same place with the rules set, even though some people may claim that.  And TNM-RG, just for the sheer simplicity of the whole set.

7.  And finally, are any of these ciruits you have run
    using Ricks TNM-RG Rules online anywhere?
You've seen TNM-Memphis already, and you can now catch "Wrestling at the Arena" (for which I will not be posting ANY background info for) on the forums.

Thanks for this post Psymin.  I enjoyed the questions.
Snabbit888Posted on 08/01/05 at 06:15:57

I think Rick knows my answers to these questions.

*shakes an angry nubb in Rick's general direction*

Damn you, arch nemesis... damn you...
Psymin1Posted on 08/02/05 at 03:39:54

I hope you do decide to reveal the modified ruleset your using for "Wrestling at the Arena" because I am very interested in this circuit.  I have read all four, and I hope to post some reply's to them in the near future.

jesse_ewiakPosted on 08/02/05 at 09:07:26

1.  What is your longest running fed (TNM Years and
    Amount of Cards) using the ruleset?
I've got two running the same amount of time...

Sin City Wrestling, which started with Jerry Lynn, Savage, Raven, RVD, and the Hardy Boyz as my main 'six' and has evovled into a 217 card circuit with Raven, Matt Hardy, andRVD surviving as the only surviving three and with stalwarts such as Double A,  Ken Shamrock, Kevin Sullivan, Scott Norton, and a total of 111 wrestlers.

Southern Star Wrestling, which started using the usual Memphis suspects, but ended after appx. 4 years w/ Super Delfin, Doug Williams, and Bret Hart as my top stats.

2.  What is your longest running fed period (Using no or
    another ruleset)?[/qupte]

I'm pretty sure SCW wins it for me, but I've had a 48-card PWWTNM circuit, I've run a Rick Rule's curcuit to the end of the Rules along with a couple of other feds that have gone 20+ cards....

3.  What would you consider your most successful TNM
    RG fed?  And the worst?  And who were the starting
    wrestlers for both?

4.  How many feds have you started using this ruleset?
See above...

5.  From a person who feels they are usually successful
    using these rules, do you have any advice on how
    others could be successful at it (such as did you hire
    a new "m" wrestler every card, or barely any at all
    after the first card)?
Here's my basic rules...

*I run with my six 52-carders for the year, then every six cards (1, 7, 13, etc.) bring in the number of 'm' wrestlers needed to get me to 12 total, if it's one or five.

*If a 52 carder quits, I either choose among the wrestlers currently on roster to replace him or I have to wait until I get someone I want.

*If someone has 3 or less cards on their contract, they get an automatic 6 card extension to prove  themselves. Four card plus, win a title, or you're out the door.

* Having a title merits an automatic extension, and if you quit, you defend the title until you lose it.

*Mystery men get a shot at the World, TV, Tag Title on 'mystery night's in that order, if more or needed, then they go in reglar single matches.

* Basically, this keeps things fluid,while not making it totally impossiblr for a mystery man to make an impact for a while....for example, win the TV title on your debut, keep it for five cards, long enough to earn an extension, manage to win the tag titles on his next to last card, only hold him for four weeks, but long enough to earn an extension, then finally leave. That's an 16 week run, about four months.

6.  What is your favorite ruleset you have ever used in
    the TNM7 world?
Top 5...

1. PWWTNM - Probably have rose-colored memories due ot the fact my favorite circuit I ever had was run on this one. Basically impossible to recreate, as the rules are outdate. If someone updated them for 2005, they'd be my favorite person ever. :-)

2. CotD Rules - Fluid enough not everyone will end up in the same place, but rigidenough to force you to make choices.

3. Old School Rules - Same thing, not every circuit looks the same by card #25, even though they'll look similar the first couple cards.

4. TNM-RG, Only ruleset where I can do thirty cards in a couple of hour period.

5. Matt Harms TNA Ruleset - Becauseit perfectly captures the fuckedup nature of the 1st year of TNA's booking :-)

zackarcherPosted on 08/02/05 at 23:13:59

I just started doing a ROH one with Critic of the Dawn's rules.  I'm only on my second card but I plan on posting them once I get a nice backstock ready.
Rick GarrardPosted on 08/03/05 at 04:25:29

Top 5...

1. PWWTNM - Probably have rose-colored memories due ot the fact my favorite circuit I ever had was run on this one. Basically impossible to recreate, as the rules are outdate. If someone updated them for 2005, they'd be my favorite person ever.  
The late Derek Thorell was the MAN for creating these!!!

2. CotD Rules - Fluid enough not everyone will end up in the same place, but rigidenough to force you to make choices.
Would you believe, I have yet to use this rules set, but know where I can find a copy when I finally decide it's time to do one.

3. Old School Rules - Same thing, not every circuit looks the same by card #25, even though they'll look similar the first couple cards.  
It takes 25 cards?  ;)  I thought it was more like the first 20... like right up to the WarGames card.. after that... all hell pretty much breaks loose as the user has to start making booking decisions.

4. TNM-RG, Only ruleset where I can do thirty cards in a couple of hour period.
You ain't kiddin'!  I know that it's pretty easy to knock out a LOT of cards using this set in rather short fashion.

5. Matt Harms TNA Ruleset - Becauseit perfectly captures the fuckedup nature of the 1st year of TNA's booking
What was wrong with TNA's first year of booking?  {ducks objects hurled at his head}  ;)
MattyBlayzePosted on 08/03/05 at 14:49:34

What exactly are these rule sets you've been talking about?
Rick GarrardPosted on 08/04/05 at 01:42:27

They are various sets of rules developed to help users of TNM make a circuit that lasts longer than the prototypical 10 or fewer cards.  

There are many different ones now.  And all of them are unique in their own ways.  Most of them are still readily available either at Josh Liller's site or by searching here on the forums.
Oliver CoppPosted on 08/04/05 at 09:23:24

Rick - do you think your new set could be implemented into software? In any case, when you do release it, please let us talk, preferably even before that point. Who knows... maybe some of this could be put into Build 4 as an option.
Snabbit888Posted on 08/04/05 at 09:49:26

Ewww... Oliver has caught the rulset bug!

Rick GarrardPosted on 08/04/05 at 15:28:32

Oliver - The "new" set is pretty much the old TNM-RG rules just changed so that contracts are using a 4 card multiplier in TweakCirc, so you that only have to hire someone for 13 cards for them to work an entire year's worth of shows for you.  There's really nothing more or less to it than that.