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Help! I've got a TitanTron stuck on my head!

RavynPosted on 06/18/05 at 01:20:38

Now there's a dated IRC reference.

Anyone know where the #tnm Best of series can be found, moreso, the entire transcript of this event?

Thanks in advance,

DominusPosted on 06/19/05 at 11:53:05

Huh!?!?!  What do you mean?

TNM had a chatroom in IRC?
Rick GarrardPosted on 06/20/05 at 02:10:23

yes it did and sort of still does... and poor Dan getting that TitanTron stuck on his head that night has to be one of the funniest online moments in the history of #tnm and the TNM community, since we all thought he was joking and then got all serious about it.

You may want to try looking at jliller's tnm 3:16 site for some of the #tnm stuff... not sure if he ever put it up there, but there was some classic moments from the gang of usual suspects there.  ;)
GarrettPosted on 06/20/05 at 03:57:47

Dan was always good for a laugh or at least good for making you want to scratch your head a few times.
TotalEnd98Posted on 07/21/05 at 02:51:33

Hmm, I come to check out these forums for the first time in months and this thread is here.  Some coincidence.

Don't say I never did anything for you guys...

* * *

<Dan> I have a big problem
<DarkAndEvilMan> Yes, have several...your point?
<DarkAndEvilMan> =)
<Dan> I put the WWF titantron set around my head and neck
<Dan> and I cant get it off
<DarkAndEvilMan> LMAO
<CG-Sulking> lol
<Dan> kinda sucks
<WYLTN> brb
<CG-Sulking> and you wonder why we were calling you dumb?
<DarkAndEvilMan> Someone make sure Sofia sees this! This HAS to go in a
Best of IRC!   (<-- Thank you for the plug, Tommy)
<Garrett> lmaooo
<Lenny> LOL
<Dan> Everytime I try to take it off it goes off
<Dan> and plays someone's entrance
<CG-Sulking> lol
<Dan> seriously
<Dan> its starting to suck
* Lenny will finally be in a best of IRC!!
<DarkAndEvilMan> Fuck me...Dan just gave me my new sig file!
* CG-Sulking thinks the 6am trivia showed your inteleect beautofully :)
* WYLTN is looking at his titantron, and doesn't see how the fuck dan got
his head stuck in it
<Dan> the entrance
<Dan> I put it over my head
<Dan> well squeezed
<Dan> and around my neck...I can get it little bit past my lips
<Dan> I dunno
<DarkAndEvilMan> Especially if you had to SQUEEZE it on!!!!
* Lenny notes that Dan is incredibly stupid...
<DarkAndEvilMan> LMAO
<Dan> .......
<Dan> this suks
* WYLTN notes that Dan is incredibly fucked... I can't see a way out of the
damn thing without ruining the damn thing
<Dan> its not mine
<CG-Sulking> Dan: you have to destroy it
<Dan> so I dont care about that
<WYLTN> well then hooray
<WYLTN> destroy the motherfucker
<Dan> Should i take a side off?
<Dan> it is going to be increadbly hard
* Lenny is about to send this conversation to the list...
<WYLTN> that would be best... I'm still trying to picture you with a
titantron around your head though
<CG-Sulking> take both off, you don't want them feeling lonely :)
<Dan> its too hard
<Dan> lest it isnt choking me
<Garrett> lol get some butter or something and try to grease it up so you
can slide it off maybe
<Dan> i found button to shut it up
<WYLTN> I'm looking at my titantron, and my guess is try and get a
<DarkAndEvilMan> ROTFLMAO
<DarkAndEvilMan> Call for help!!!!
<Dan> i wont be able to screw screws
<Dan> Im not gonna wake m family up
<WYLTN> unscrew for that matter
<Dan> lol
<Lenny> Yes, hello, is this 911? I have a TitanTron stuck on my head
<Dan> cant WYLTN, I can manuver my arm lik that
<CG-Sulking> lol
<WYLTN> Dispatcher: A wha?
<Dan> i wish i had a camera
<Garrett> butter up your head maybe it will slide off
<Dan> i only know one thing
<WYLTN> he'll look more like a idiot with butter all over his neck
<CG-Sulking> try namging it in to a wall to break it Dan
<Dan> Jakks is getting there ass sued
<Dan> there was no warning
<CG-Sulking> banging rather
<DarkAndEvilMan> WTF???
<Garrett> if not makes some toast
<WYLTN> why would you sue them?
<Garrett> lmao no warning?
<Dan> in kidding
<WYLTN> ok
<Lenny> I think they could successfully argue that you're not meant to put
it on your head...
<DarkAndEvilMan> LOL
<CG-Sulking> Dan bang it against something solid to break it
<Dan> that would hrt!
<Dan> its on my neck
<Dan> whoops..broke a light
<Dan> on TT
<CG-Sulking> well, get a hammer and try and break it
<JXF> haha is this a joke??
<Dan> no
<CG-Sulking> no Jon
<Dan> im serious
<JXF> the Titan Tron is stuck around your neck??
<Garrett> lol
<Dan> head
<WYLTN> even though I can't see how he did it, he fucking did it alright
<Lenny> pardon my ignorance, but how can you see?
<JXF> hahahahahahaha
<Dan> I can relax it on my shoulders though
<Dan> its around my neck
<Dan> i can lift it over my head
<Dan> cant
<WYLTN> I wouldn't want to go around school with a damn titantron around my
<Garrett> lol
<Dan> brb...gonna et brother to help
<DarkAndEvilMan> LMAO
<Garrett> got a hammer?
<Dan> get
<Lenny> Uh..Dan. Theres something on your neck
<Lenny> I can imagine that at school...
<JXF> Ok we didn't need a trivia test to prove you are the biggest idiot in
the World
<WYLTN> his brother is going to laugh his ass off at Dan
<Garrett> grab a hammer and take a big swing and slam it into the thing
<WYLTN> Garr: What if he misses?
<Garrett> if you miss say oh and try again
<DarkAndEvilMan> LMAO
<Lenny> He's gonna have a headache
<Garrett> lmao
<WYLTN> or a broken fucking jaw :)
<Lenny> *L*
<WYLTN> or a fucked up shoulder
<DarkAndEvilMan> ROTFLMAO
<CG-Sulking> lol
<WYLTN> I still can't see how the fuck he did it
<Garrett> well ok yeah that might be a bad side affect but it might work
<WYLTN> he's fucking amazing
* DarkAndEvilMan isn't getting much done on Nitro like this..=)
<WYLTN> he needs to go on Ripley's Believe It Or Not! With this shit
* CG-Sulking wondered the point of this mornings trivia
<WYLTN> oh well, it's history in the making
<CG-Sulking> but now, it really wasn't needed
<Garrett> I have never seen one so I dont have any idea
<WYLTN> Garr, it's about 8 inches by 6 inches... like I said, he's fucking
<WYLTN> unless he got a bigger version
<Garrett> well he has a small head I think
<WYLTN> that's the only way then
<Garrett> anyone else I think would be kidding us, but with Dan I can almost
see it
<WYLTN> I don't think this is a SWERVE~! either
<WYLTN> the sides are made of a hard plastic... I'm not Bob Vila, but I
think a nife would do the trick... of course, we can't have him use to sharp
of one, especially if it slips.... that would suck
<WYLTN> nevermind...
<Garrett> lmao
*** DarkAndEvilMan is now known as DarkEvilAndAway
<CG-Sulking> this is the most ridiculius thinkg I've ever seen
<Garrett> lmao
<CG-Sulking> if he had something stuck up there, ok, but around your neck?
oh dear
<WYLTN> that's why it deserves to be topic or something... TE needs to get
it for Best Of (it deserves it's own section)               (<-- Thank you for the plug, Jake)
<CG-Sulking> and a titan tron of all things?
<WYLTN> I wonder what his brother is doing to help the situation
*** CG-Sulking changes topic to 'Dan has a TitanTron stuck around his neck,
<WYLTN> keep it there...
<Garrett> providing lubrication maybe
<WYLTN> so everyone else could watch it and laugh... ha-ha...
<WYLTN> or read it

<Dan> back
<Garrett> lol
<Crazy-Greek> cool, the auto return don't work after a ban :)
<Garrett> get it off?
<Garrett> nope
<Dan> yes!
<Crazy-Greek> lol, how?
<Lenny> broken?
<Dan> Me and my bro took off all the sides lights
<Lenny> did he laugh at you?
<Dan> and jsut pulled
<Dan> Yes
<Dan> I felt like a baby coming out of a baby hole
<Crazy-Greek> Lenny: need you have asked that?
<Lenny> Not really :)
<Crazy-Greek> Dan: older or younger brother?
<Dan> younger
<Dan> it took so long because it was his
<Dan> and he didnt want to cut lights off
<Crazy-Greek> you know all his friends will be giggling at you tomorrow :)
<DarkEvilAndAway> lol
<Dan> not if they dont know
*** DarkEvilAndAway is now known as DarkAndEvilMan
<Lenny> And you're assuming your brother won't tell them...
<Crazy-Greek> he'll tell them, guaranteed :)
<Dan> ¤ Laugh Out Loud¤
<Lenny> Your parents will be laughing at you too :)
<Dan> ¤ Laugh Out Loud¤
<Crazy-Greek> especially when they realise what happened to the titan tron
they spent money on :)
<Dan> :)
<Dan> well
<Lenny> How much do they cost?
<Dan> Jakks should put a warning on it
<Dan> I dunno
<Dan> it was a birthday present
<Crazy-Greek> " Little Dan, where's your TitanTron?"
<JXF> the warning should say don't let idiots like Dan purchase this toy
<Lenny> Will someone post this to the list?
<Dan> im not
<Crazy-Greek> "we had to break it coz big dan put it around his head"
<Lenny> LOL
* Crazy-Greek would love to see that conversation
GarrettPosted on 07/21/05 at 04:21:47

Wow a blast from the past