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Biggest Circuits?

TerryFunkaPosted on 01/30/05 at 16:55:47

What are your biggest circuits and by that i mean most number of cards?
rey619Posted on 01/30/05 at 18:06:59

Have been playing a WWE circuit for almost a year now.. that's approximately 9 cards a month.. a little over 100 cards..
americamamushiPosted on 01/30/05 at 18:26:59

around 300 I think, maybe a bit more
Rick GarrardPosted on 01/30/05 at 19:11:47

My longest was 11 years sim time at 1 card a week which totalled out to be 572 cards as far as tnm7 goes.  This was using the TNM-RG rules which were for an indy fed based in a TV studio (think Memphis's weekly Saturday morning show), that was based around 6 wrestlers under contract at any given time.  (of course I developed that rules set to basically allow me to run a LOT of cards in a short period of time and with minimal write-ups.)

Most recently I had SCW:MF that went over 2 years sim time.  And the BCW that hit 60 cards, and currently CW that is on card #43 (it still needs to be simmed).  In 6.2 there was also a circuit I had called WWWF that if I remember correctly ended up with over 1 1/2 years sim time, which I later ported all the results into tnm7, which ended up giving some rather good match ratings for some wrestlers you'd least expect mainly because I was booking all the matches to end exactly how tnm6.2 had finished them.

On the flipside,  there was RUFF (two cards publically released), there was my NAWA that was part of one of the TNM-MP things with the motto "we strive for negative 5" that lasted 3 or 4 cards, there was a Laptop Wrestling that lasted 5 cards and there were plenty of others that never saw the light of day outside of my own computers.

The first ever circuit I had in 6.2 actually rolled into a second circuit, meaning it had well over 750 cards in it, since I'm pretty sure that's the new circuit rollover point.

It's amazing to me the number of circuits that never make it past the first 5 cards, though.  For every 1 successful circuit I have done, I have had at least 2 that never made it past the 5th card for one reason or another.  Although as TNM as improved, so have my abilities to keep a circuit alive even if it seems awful at first.  In fact, I've found most of those that start poorly usually end up being my favorites by the time I am finished with them.
TerryFunkaPosted on 01/30/05 at 20:36:17

rick is your wwwf up anywhere?
HugeRockStar760Posted on 01/31/05 at 02:37:42

On 01/30/05 at 20:36:17, TerryFunka wrote:rick is your wwwf up anywhere?
It is.  I ran across it in some search I did recently.  I don't remember the URL though.

But it had something like garrardrick in the URL.
Rick GarrardPosted on 01/31/05 at 04:23:12

Thanks to there is still a copy of the old WWWF site out there. :) I'd be willing to guess that almost every deadlink to a circuit I once was posting, is probably archived there. I love those guys.

edit: unfortunately it doesn't appear that they archived the results pages, only the front page to the site. sorry.

edit part 2:
This is the 10 year results list for the TNM-RG memphis fed.  There was one more year to this that did not get posted to the site linked above.  Still an easy to follow circuit IMO.
triad4evrPosted on 01/31/05 at 05:27:22

I can't say for certain the number of cards, but it runs from '98 until now. The reason I don't know for sure is because at the most, it has been 4 cards a week, at it's least, it was 1 PPV a month, depending on my other real world commitments. Anybody know a command that will have TNM tell you how many cards are in a circuit?
TerryFunkaPosted on 01/31/05 at 05:39:47

press a like your changing to email mode and it shows # of cards