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Commentary Editor

JSLPosted on 01/18/05 at 06:28:10

No one seems to be making commentary with the commentary editor (or else their hoarding it for themselves), so I've taken it upon myself.

I'm trying to include comprehensive (and interesting) dialogue from "Tazz" & "Michael Cole" (i.e. what I think they might say in a given situation, in character). I'll have some previews up soon enough.

Additionally I'm trying to both clean up my TNM7 Database and update it so it's completely current. I'll try to provide an export of my database as soon as it's done, too.
americamamushiPosted on 01/18/05 at 06:35:11

Yeah, the ol' Commentary editor never really took off.  If I remember right the current version is still a beta.  Interesting to see how close you're edit comes to something that Tazz and Cole would say.

Oh, and let me be the first to welcome you to the boards JSL
JSLPosted on 01/18/05 at 19:40:27

Thanks, but it's more like a welcome back. I was posting on the TNM forums back when 7 first came out. I've been lurking since then, very much inactive in the TNM world.

Does anyone have suggestions for where I could upload a preview file?
triad4evrPosted on 01/19/05 at 03:17:48

I put together a bunch of ones myself, but I've had no end of trouble importing others' exports. I have a few JR-inspired ones ("A giant swing! We haven't seen that move in 20 years" triggered by claw, airplane, and giant swing), and a few Dusty Rhodes-inspired ones, and a bunch that are just more colorful than the normal text. But I didn't really try to go for a specific style, I just wanted to liven it up a little. I would be thrilled if there were some archived exports out there, that don't have a lot of gender errors and spelling/grammar/word choice problems.
CkzippyPosted on 01/19/05 at 10:29:56

Triad4ever, did you work "He be a clubberin'!" in there?
Rick GarrardPosted on 01/20/05 at 02:15:00

Actually one can NEVER be a clubberin' by one's self, as a clubberin' take fo' fisteses on one opponent.

That's 4 fists hitting one guy at a time ala a Nasty Boy beat down or a beating from Sullivan's Dungeon of Doom.  Clubberin' is never to be used by a single wrestler only as a double team.

I watched WAY TOO much of Dusty's WCW Saturday Night commentary to not know that.
triad4evrPosted on 01/20/05 at 04:10:19

Rick, you frighten me terribly...

But seriously, I've been dying for a way to work in the "He's hittin' em wyith a commode lid!" "No, no, Dusty, I think that's a picture frame." "No, no, it's a commode lid!" from one of the endless Chris Benoit vs. Kevin Sullivan hardcore matches. Does the commentary editor respond to named weapons, too?
JSLPosted on 01/20/05 at 04:22:17

Question: Would you like it if I included generic or offhand remarks to make it seem more realistic?

(If I did so it would be on a 1/10 ratio for every individual move commentary. Right now I'm adding three pieces of commentary per move which I would then triple and add the remaining meaningless comment.)
CkzippyPosted on 01/20/05 at 04:50:10

"There's a lady!  There's a lady in the men's bathroom!"

You can put that ANYWHERE, after any just fits!
triad4evrPosted on 01/20/05 at 05:49:41

Maybe Ollie can answer this- will the Commentator Editor react to stuff like a trigger of "toilet seat" (a weapon in the foreign objects list) or "double punch" (a common double-team move)? Does it? I'm gonna' have to play around and find out!
JSLPosted on 01/20/05 at 06:13:06

On 01/20/05 at 05:49:41, triad4evr wrote:Maybe Ollie can answer this- will the Commentator Editor react to stuff like a trigger of "toilet seat" (a weapon in the foreign objects list) or "double punch" (a common double-team move)? Does it? I'm gonna' have to play around and find out!
I'd love to know this, too.
JSLPosted on 01/22/05 at 20:14:21

I'm busily trying to update my TNM database & to get my parents to buy me SE, so this might not come out for a while. Until I'm organized...
Oliver CoppPosted on 01/22/05 at 23:18:06

It only triggers on single moves, actively and successfully performed by one wrestler.
JSLPosted on 01/23/05 at 04:22:16

On 01/22/05 at 23:18:06, Oliver Copp wrote:It only triggers on single moves, actively and successfully performed by one wrestler.
That's something I'd like to see changed in a (potential) final version of the commentary editor. I'd like to see tag move & counter specific commentary.

I'd also like to have other kinds of triggers to work with to generic commentary more descript. For example:

Anything can happen in ##Fed.
Coming up next, ##NextMatch.
In our main event: ##MainEvent.
Another exciting matchup on ##EventName.
Oliver CoppPosted on 01/23/05 at 11:14:17

Seeing how little the beta was and is used, I seriously question whether there ever will be a 1.0 version.

Technically, it wouldn't be a problem using this for finishers and tag finishers, as well as tag team moves (the simple "double" variety, not chained moves).

It won't work for counters, though, because the commentary is generated in steps based on time-dependent issues. It wouldn't make any sense holding back the commentary, rolling through the logic and then after the fact show what the commentary would have been.

For me to change the latter, there'd have to be *lots* of grassroots usage of the plugin because it would mean changing the concept of how TNM determines counters.
triad4evrPosted on 01/25/05 at 06:19:53

Well, I, for one, love the concept even if it is a bit intimidating to set up at first. But once you get the hang of the (X,Y,Z) (A,B,C) type thing to produce numerous lines of commentary, it comes together pretty well. It would be _extremely_ cool if it could do the nextmatch and mainevent thing. That would be fantastic. But I can live with what we have if there are more widely-used priorities.  Honestly, I think if the instructions weren't so scary, more people would use it, but that's just my opinion- it is a pretty complicated little machine. Either way, that's cool! Anyway, my two cents!
WalkingCondominiumPosted on 01/28/05 at 14:45:28

Is the Commentary Editor "circuit specific"? If I type in commentary lines for Gorilla Monsoon, would it show up not only in my WWF circuit, but AWA and NWA as well?? Thanks!

John ProulxPosted on 01/28/05 at 20:31:04

Personally, I thought this was a great idea, but I just didn't have the time and energy to write my own commentary, and as others have mentioned, I had tons of trouble importing anyone else's commentary, so I gave up on it.
triad4evrPosted on 01/28/05 at 23:51:37

It isn't circuit specific so,  yes, Gorilla Monsoon's commentary would be in all circuits.