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What Exactly IS the 2nd Edition?

MavpaPosted on 12/03/04 at 09:46:43


  I used to be big time into TNM.  I got 6.2 and all the stuff for it, did that logo design thing, baught TNM 7... got angry that that whole TNM Gold thing never came to pass and then sort of lost interest in TNM has wrestling on TV began to suck.

But I still would get stuff from the mailing list and would glance at it every once in awhile.  So...I read this recent one about how the jump from TNM 7 1rst Edition to the 2nd Edition is AT LEAST as big as from 6.2 to 7.

At first I thought maybe I had just downloaded the wrong file and still have the first TNM 7, but, there it was...2nd Edition.  To me, it seems like exactly the same game.  Anytime I try to see what's been changed, it reads like one of my essays from biology class in high school...

"There are many differences between the old world and new world monkeys...far too many to possibly name here."

I'm not trying to be combative or anything, I'm just curious as to what the big deal was.  The jump from 6.2 to 7 was huge...I mean, 6.2 used to crash all the time because it was completely Dos based.  I don't think you could even use the mouse on it...maybe you could, but still... I see nothing so far that compares to this jump.

So I openly invite Oliver or anyone on this forum to sell me on the improvements and why I should buy this second edition rather than just haul out my old TNM7 files and fire it back up again.

Rick GarrardPosted on 12/03/04 at 15:55:28

Please visit the site.  There is a link on the left hand side that LISTS all the changes that were made in TNM7SE from TNM7FE.  The "what's new in SE?" link is what it is.

As for 6.2 crashing all the time, I had it, and was able to run a circuit for over 750 cards and NEVER once got an error or a crash from it.  And yes it is DOS based.  TNM7FE and TNM7SE are also both DOS based.  And yes they will work with WinXP.

While the look of TNM7SE hasn't changed as drastically cosmetically as the jump from 6.2 to 7, there were a LOT of "under the hood" changes made with the release of SE.
Critic of the DawnPosted on 12/03/04 at 17:05:24

To save you some time, here's the list:

Match Types
Tag Team Battle Royals
Tag Team Elimination Matches
I Quit Matches with corner persons
Battle Royals for titles
Three-way and four-way gimmick matches
Handicap Matches with up to 10 vs 9 wrestlers (added 06/25)

New situations for DQs, double DQs.
Introduction of no contests.
Champions can use their title belts to get an advantage.
Illegal non-submission moves.
Special moves: "leads to finisher" and "illegal" checkboxes affect the matches properly in all cases.

Expanded referee interaction with the combatants.
Heel referees
Face referees
Head referee
Referees can be pulled in the way of a move by heel.
Biased referees and special referees.
Stand-by referees in case a referee is bumped and out for a prolonged period of time.

Match Progression
Several new spots inside the matches.
Spots for masked wrestlers.
Spots in Battle Royals
Over-the-top-rope DQs
Injuries are now indicated during the match and may cut it short.
Prematch injuries influence matches.
Wrestlers who get in the ring more than once per card will suffer from fatigue and may thus lose matches that they would have won in TNM 7 First Edition
Spots with announcers' table (outside).

Overall rating for a card will be computed.
New attribute: skinning the cat (holding on to the top rope and pulling oneself back in)
New attribute: springs up (kip up à la Shawn Michaels / The Rock)
More sophisticated nickname handling - custom placement of nicknames for ring introductions

New attributes: heel, face
New attribute: head referee

Cloning (added 06/25)
You can now create new wrestler, move, manager, dive, tag team, stable and referee records starting over with stats of an existing entity. Make different versions of the same wrestler for different time periods in the blink of an eye!

Ability to book a wrestler to win via pinfall or submission without specifying how.
Booking a finish without giving a time for it.
Booked finishes will now happen in Falls Count Anywhere matches when the wrestlers are on the outside.

Schedule tournaments which are seeded according to the ratings.
Select the participants for a tournament, then have it seeded according to the ratings (added 06/25).
When putting the winners of matches into Battle Royals, teams where one man is injured see the non-injured members inserted into the Battle Royal; if there was a draw leading in to the Battle Royal, it still takes place albeit with fewer wrestlers. TNM 7 First Edition didn't know how to handle this.
Ability to assign specific referee to a certain match.
Special referees now have all the attributes regular referees have, including their orientation (face, heel).

Circuit Maintenance
Titles can be rearranged in a circuit (to shift importance).
Limit on the number of titles has been eliminated.

Print roster to file.

Hiring And Contracts
Backing out of the hiring process is now possible.
"-" key brings up wrestler profile like in booking mode.
When changing a wrestler's name, he keeps his win-loss-record now.

HTML Gateway
Unlimited cards starting with the same five characters can correctly be translated into HTML; there was a 255-card limit in TNM 7 First Edition for cards starting with the same five characters.


Customization Options (require TNM TweakCirc Second Edition)

Configuration options for matches
Probabilities for covers inside submission moves
Enable/disable over the top rope DQs.
Turn disqualifications for illegal moves on or off.
Influencing the pacing of the match:
Time Progression: influence how quickly time goes by; adapts your circuit to the pacing of your choice.
Hit Factor: increase or decrease the damage done to wrestlers during matches.
Use these two to increase or decrease the number of moves that can be done in a certain period. Great for creating more slowly-paced circuits or quick highflying circuits.
Overruling whether or not finisher can be done outside of the ring in FCA matches
Allow for title changes despite no-shows - if the champion no-shows, you can have the title up for grabs just as well as if a challenger no-shows.
Should your champions be allowed to have a "golden way" of winning when in despair? Turn belt shots during matches on or off, just as you wish.

Write your notes after every match in addition to after the card; these notes are inserted directly into the match results ! Use this for in-show angles, beatdowns and observations.
Turn these notes on and off as you please.
Want to see your match results only ? No problem. The in-card notes can be switched off when necessary to give you the plain card results you know from TNM 7 First Edition.
Hiring and contracts
Card multipliers - contracts in TNM 7 usually run for up to 52 cards; many users prefer to run more than one card per month; the card multiplier indicates how many cards are run every month; a 52-card contract will become a contract for 260 cards if the card multiplier is set to 5 cards per month.
Customize quitting, giving notice - will it happen only once per month of cards or on every card ?

View your wrestlers' queues.
Modify your wrestlers' queues.

Turn random interference on and off on a circuit level.
Probability of random interference can be increased/decreased by the user as desired.
Highlight interference during match play-by-play for easier spotting.

Mask Spots
Turn them on or off on a circuit level.
Configure how often they take place in your circuit.

Option to turn off injuries completely for your circuit.
Configure how often injuries occur.

Ref Bumps
Turn them on or off in your circuit, your call.
Influence how likely they are.

Configure booking defaults - you will never have to switch them on or off again for every match:
No Time Limit
Standard Time Limit
Outside Interference
Book Match
Gimmick Match
Assign Referee
Non-Title Match
Top Contenders Match
Title Change On DQ/Countout
Ban Managers
Loser Leaves Town
Assign Match Name
Match Viewing
Watch Match
Skip Match
Finish Only
Join In Progress
Type Of Match
1 Fall
2/3 Falls
Death Match
Iron Man Match
Keep Play-By-Play
Title Matches Despite No-Shows

Ignore title bonuses in global ratings - makes them more comparable.

Adjust bonuses for wins.
Adjust points deducted for losses.
Adjust bonuses for winning streaks.
Adjust how much titleholders benefit in the ratings.

Time Limits
For the first time ever, you can control time limits for every match type - and on a circuit level:
Singles Matches
Tag Team Matches
X-Person Tag Matches
Handicap Matches
Triangle Matches
Four-Way Matches
WarGames - First Period
WarGames - Other Periods
Royal Rumble Periods - now in seconds for even greater control
... or assign one time limit for all matches.
You can choose to combine these time limits with those from the main options menu, i.e.
Two-out-of-three Falls
Iron Man
Death Match
Set average match time on circuit level to override the global setting.

Eric "Critic of the Dawn"
MavpaPosted on 12/03/04 at 18:25:01 doesn't sound that bad, with the TweakCircuit thing added in.

And my was TNM 5.something that I originally had that would just crash out of nowhere because of bizarre Qbasic type issues.

Anyway, just one more I mentioned in my original post... I think wrestling sucks now, not just in America, but ALL over the world.

I remember, back in the day, when you would import wrestlers (as I see you have to do for everyone in this version) if gave you the option like..."Which Barry Darsow do you want?"  And you could pick Ax or Repo Man or both, or all the ones listed.  Do they still do that, or am I stuck using Bradshaw as that weird Layfield guy I saw when I made a token effort to sit through 45 seconds of WWWhatever programming.
americamamushiPosted on 12/03/04 at 22:18:26

There is no "same guy with multiple gimmicks" in SE, though there is a file that gives a list of wrestlers with other gimmicks they had.  You'd have to go in a change the various fields that are incorrect for the version you want.

I think wrestling sucks now, not just in America, but ALL over the world.
Well thats the beauty of TNM.  If you think whats going on now sucks you can always put it in TNM and book it the way you want so that you don't think it sucks.

P.S. Barry Darsow was Smash ;) Somewhere an unemployed Bill Edie is giving you the stink eye ;D
Snabbit888Posted on 12/03/04 at 22:29:47

That's wicked gross.

You do not rock, old lady.
americamamushiPosted on 12/04/04 at 00:50:38

*comes in dressed like Christopher Daniels*


*poses like Super Delfin and explodes, setting a near by hobo on fire for warmth*
MavpaPosted on 12/04/04 at 05:56:32

Damn it...I can't believe I confused Ax and Smash.

Funny story about Ax on the unemployment comments...

A few years back, well, I guess closer to 8 years now... Ax had a website where he was selling off all his old WWF crap, and for something like 10 grand, you could get his WWF Tag Title Belt and he'd personally come to your house and deliver it.  I never found out if anybody got it.

Probably the second wierdest/saddest thing I've seen from a wrestler selling stuff online, second only to Ultimate Warrior sending you an audio tape of special music and work out pep talks, along with a custom workout to get you into shape...after you sent him like 400 dollars and some pictures of yourself in your underwear.

Anyway, since they don't have the ability to automatically revert wrestlers to the old gimmick, do they have an export from maybe...1996?
americamamushiPosted on 12/04/04 at 06:08:15

Here is a link to the old TNM6.2 export files... if that helps

NOTE: As someone (Rick Garrard maybe??) said when they posted this link for someone else on the boards, you may wanna double check everyone you put in since there will probably be some fields missing information.