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My Forum is up!

SuperstarJimiCPosted on 10/22/04 at 01:31:02

Hey all of you TNM fans, My forum is up now. It's entitled NWA Universal. Right now, so far the only topic is General Board, that's the folder that you click & one topic so far is in there. So, here's the E-mail address for it:

And feel free to post any TNM7 topics or what have you. I'm also planning an NWA file for anyone who has NWA circuits that they want to put their results on there, maybe a NWA body where TNM members want to do an NWA group for TNM7 & that would be great too, so check it out. Sorry, i'm not good at describing things so hang in there. I'm trying.
SuperstarJimiCPosted on 10/22/04 at 02:14:12

I've updated my forum since the last post. I have change my first topic since after all, i'm the administrator of that forum, I have added the following:

- TNM7 FCA-cubed matches (don't mind the first topic,   i'm trying to get rid of that topic.)

- TNM7 Exports

- TNM7 Circuits

- TNM7 Plugins

- TNM7 NWA Circuits

- TNM7 Roll Call of Champions.

Also, I am looking for Moderators, so E-Mail me if you're interested at:

And i'll get back to you. So check out my TNM7 NWA Universal forum at:

You'll like it once you see this site. I'm currently looking into getting new avatars for the site.
zackarcherPosted on 10/22/04 at 08:23:05

I don't see the point?
Snabbit888Posted on 10/22/04 at 08:31:14

I second that.  It's basically all the same stuff that's here, just without the fan base.