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Wrestling under different names

rey619Posted on 09/22/04 at 12:16:44

I was doing a thorough check of my wrestler's database to remove duplicates and unneccessary wrestlers, and found a host of names which I didn't recognize, and that didn't list as well. Do you guys know if these guys may be listed under a different gimmick? I really don't want to have a bunch of guys I know nothing about in my database, cause I'll never use them. Ok, here goes:

Ashley Hudson, Buff E, Cheeks, Chet Jablonski, Chris Michaels, Crimson Dragon, D, Damien Steele, Derrick King, Disgraceland, Don Juan, Edward Chastain, Fast Eddie, Hollywood, Kobain, Lil Cholo, Machine, Mase, Nelson Knight, Passion, Richard Johnson, Rick Michaels, Rod Johnson, Scott Snot, Steve Rizzono, Tempest, Tom Carter, Vampire Warrior.
JustinPosted on 09/22/04 at 13:36:17

Tom Carter= Reckless Youth
Vampire Warrior = Gangrel
Tempest= Devon Storm=Salem
Nelson Knight= Visera
Kobain= Frankie Anderson
Machine= Doug Basham under a mask
Disgraceland=Bill Wiles
Passion=OVW talent...WWE Developmental
Steve Rizzono & Scott Snot belonged to the former XPW they were more like lackeys for the boss...kind of like Briscoe & Patterson for McMahon

That's all i know for sure for now
rey619Posted on 09/22/04 at 13:45:19

Thanks a lot! Now I can remove those I already have under another name, and see if I can find more info on the different aliases you gave me.
Shaun SindelmanPosted on 09/22/04 at 15:08:08

Buff E - 1/2 of The Christopher Street Connection

Critic of the DawnPosted on 09/22/04 at 17:03:38

Mase = The other half of the Christopher Street Connection.

Don Juan = An indy wrestler from Rudy Boy Gonzales' Texas Wrestling Academy, where guys like Spanky, Paul London and Michael Shane trained.  Don Juan is one of the less talented graduates, but he's certainly decent enough.

Fast Eddie = An indy worker who has recently had some minor ROH roles.  Not a top level guy, but a decent high flier.

Eric "Critic of the Dawn"
John ProulxPosted on 09/23/04 at 00:29:53

Richard and Rod Johnson are the Shane Twins, Mike and Todd.

Ashley Hudson was briefly Ozzy Rools in WCW.

Not sure on this, but I thought I read that Disgraceland was formerly Luther Biggs in WCW as well.
cerberosPosted on 09/23/04 at 01:55:12

I didn't see Disgraceland but everywhere I saw it was formerly Buzz Stern's trainee Luther Biggs.  And of course Buzz Stern is everyone's favorite vignette star favorite wrestler.  Billy Whiles just did an Elvis gimmick in ECW...and maybe the indys but I don't remember his name anywhere in forever.
JustinPosted on 09/23/04 at 04:32:55

My bad... Wiles was Bilvis Wesley in ECW.... his finisher was called "Disgraceland"

But now who was Luther Biggs?

The Jablonski Brothers (Chet & Dean) worked for Les Thatcher's Heartland Wrestling Association
H8-SuperstarPosted on 09/23/04 at 08:07:58

D = also known as Dynamite D. XPW wrestler
Damian Steele = former XPW wrestler
Derrick King = isn't he a Memphis wrestler last seen in Power Pro Wrestling?
Lil' Cholo = SoCal wrestler and damn good one. WESTSIDE!