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TNM Mishap...

CarlzillaPosted on 08/07/04 at 22:34:53

[match clip:
Jay Briscoe hits Hiroyoshi Tenzan with a chop.
Jay Briscoe hits Hiroyoshi Tenzan with a vertical facebuster.
James Hamden counts: One, two, thr... kickout.
Mark Briscoe enters the ring to make it two-on-one.
Mark Briscoe goes for a back suplex, but Hiroyoshi Tenzan
turns in mid-air and lands on him.
James Hamden counts: One, two, three.
Numerous fans are using Hiroyoshi Tenzan for target practice.

The winners are Knights Of The Golden Dragon. Time of match: 0:18:36]

This was in a normal tag team match. Does anyone see the problem with this clip? Can it be fixed?
xsouporheroxPosted on 08/07/04 at 22:38:05

I think it's the coolest thing ever myself.
Critic of the DawnPosted on 08/07/04 at 23:34:09

What, you mean Mark Briscoe being pinned despite not being the legal man?  That's not a bug, it's a feature.  The referee made a bad call.  Since that happened, you might want to book a rematch sometime in the future.

Eric "Critic of the Dawn"
91Posted on 08/08/04 at 00:55:23

Serves the guy right for interfering... yeah, it does happen (though perhaps not usually as blatantly as that) but work a feud off it, have the Briscoes whine and demand a rematch, you've got yourself potential. Sometimes little things that seem to go wrong (whether it's a feature, mistake, something crashing or an outright bug) can be used to your advantage.
CarlzillaPosted on 08/08/04 at 01:33:03

it worked out great for my feud...I'm not complaining about it...but an option to turn off referees mistakes might be something others may want.
Rick GarrardPosted on 08/08/04 at 06:44:44

It seems to be a very rare happening.  And when it does, it makes for a great rematch angle.  :)

I've only seen the illegal man get pinned less than 5 times in both BCW and CW combined in over 75 cards with an average of 2 to 3 tag matches per card.
CarlzillaPosted on 08/08/04 at 10:15:39

it also works in this case because the briscoes look so damn similar.
Snabbit888Posted on 08/08/04 at 10:25:09

Man, maybe I just don't pay attention enough, but I never get cool shit like this. :)
CarlzillaPosted on 08/08/04 at 10:26:35

I didn't notice it until xsouporherox pointed it out. I would have never noticed otherwise.