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Old School Rules Month 1

rgarrardPosted on 02/01/04 at 17:52:39

3.      Month 1 - Booking your first month of cards!

3.1.      Week 1

3.1.1.        For your first card, you want to give the fans some idea of who is on your roster, so in your first main event, feature your "franchise" wrestler in singles competition.

3.1.2.        For your first match ever, give your fans something to talk about.  Put together two tag teams featuring some high flyers from your roster.

3.1.3.        With the first and last matches out of the way, you still need to fill in the middle of the card.  Within the mid-card, you should have at least one more tag team match and at least one "hardcore" singles match.  This "hardcore" match can be anything within the limits of TNM.

3.1.4.        Make sure that every wrestler on your roster is working on this first card.  Remember you are trying to build your fan base!

3.2.      Week 2

3.2.1.      For your main event this week, take the two singles wrestlers that fought in week 1's main event, and have them each team up with the singles wrestlers that fought in week 1's "hardcore" match.  And for a little bit of excitement, make this tag team main event some type of gimmick match.

3.2.2.      Now that we have 4 of the 20 wrestlers on the roster booked in the main event for this week, let's book the other 16 of them.  You should still have 8 faces and 8 heels left to put into matches, this means you can make 4 teams on each side.  Since we need to crown tag team champions, run a one night only tournament for your tag team titles.  All first round matches for this tourney should be face teams against heel teams.

3.3.      Week 3

3.3.1.      The main event this week, should feature a rematch from the tournament finals last week for your tag team titles.

3.3.2.      Now to add in a couple semi-main event...  The wrestlers in last week's main event want singles matches against each other.  So which ever guys faced off on week 1, will not face each other this week.

3.3.3.      One of your face tag team's needs to issue an "open challenge".  Using the "m" key, bring in a new tag team for the week to answer their challenge.

3.3.4.      The rest of your roster should work in singles matches this week.

3.4.      Week 4

3.4.1.      Your main event again this week is a rematch from week 2's main event.  However, this time, the special stipulation for the match is that the heel team gets to choose their own referee for the bout.  This ref should be one of the heel wrestlers on the roster.

3.4.2.      This week, the rest of the card is up you.  Make sure that everyone on the roster makes an appearance whether it be as a wrestler, a referee, or just for an interview.
PulsarPosted on 02/01/04 at 19:40:34

Man rick, I'm gonna go do this as soon as I shower. Expect a new small circuit in the boards, all thank to you.
rey619Posted on 03/06/04 at 13:57:36

This was fun! Couple of questions though... in the tag-team tournament of week 2, Rey Mysterio and Chris Benoit won, defeating Dudley Boyz in the finals (both are face teams). What happens next week, when they are supposed to have a rematch? I either have to set up two heels against each other, or let them have the week off..

And, when the face team asks a mystery team for a match, another two heels will be left over. What do you suggest? Four heels take the week off? Wait.. that's six heels when I think about it..

One last question, should I book interference as I see fit, or maybe turn on random interference?
rgarrardPosted on 03/06/04 at 14:22:06

If a rule specifically states a certain match that ends up putting face vs face or heel vs heel, then that match should be run.  ALL individual rules take precidence over the circuit wide rules.  So in your case, a rematch of the tournament is in order.

rule 3.3.4 states that the rest of your roster should be in singles matches.  What that means is that if you can't go face vs heel, then you should use the "m" key (suggested) or have guys work twice on the card (which I don't suggest as it tends to lead to injury)

As far as interference goes, that's up to you.  I tend to go with post match beatdowns now that you can write up your comments directly after the matches in tnm7se.  But I also have random interference on in mine.  The interference thing is more up to the individual and how they want things to go within the rules.
rey619Posted on 03/06/04 at 14:57:47

Thanks! 12 matches on a card is maybe a bit unusual, but it gives me a great opportunity to try out a few wrestlers which I may sign later on if the chance arises.
The 'm' key designates a random wrestler, right? Is he automatically the opposite of his opponent? Face/heel axis?

Yeah.. injuries.. what should I do if that occurs? It could mess up things down the line.
rgarrardPosted on 03/06/04 at 15:40:35

the injury question seems to be a common question, which I've answered elsewhere and will answer here:

The rule is that you must maintain a minimum roster of 20 wrestlers, with a minimum of 10 being face and a minimum of 10 being heel.
TecmoNickPosted on 03/06/04 at 18:18:50

On 03/06/04 at 14:57:47, rey619 wrote:
The 'm' key designates a random wrestler, right? Is he automatically the opposite of his opponent? Face/heel axis?
I also am curious of this...
rgarrardPosted on 03/06/04 at 22:21:33

The answer to the "m" key question is... you never know with the "m" key.  In fact, I've had faces come in to face faces using it.  And I've had heels face heels.

When they first come into your circuit using the "m" key, I wouldn't be truly concerned with whether they are face or heel, as you can always turn them in the direction they need to go before the next card (or you can turn someone else for that matter, if you like what the "m" key gives you).

The "m" key is used quite often within this rules set to fill roster vacancies mainly because of it's randomness.  I know if I were to pick my own "mystery" person, which I've done on occasion like the masked tag team in BCW, I tend to do it fitting with the theme of the circuit, whereas TNM will sometimes throw you a curve and give you someone you would have never dreamt of using, much like Fobia's appearance on an RCW card last night (an offline circuit using the rules).  Needless to say poor Fobia won't be heard from ever again in RCW.

rey619Posted on 03/07/04 at 12:16:13

So, should I keep the 'm' wrestlers? Unless it is stated in the rules that this should be their only match? Should I renew their contracts?
rgarrardPosted on 03/07/04 at 12:30:29

the rule that I will keep repeating is...

You must have a minimum of 20 wrestlers with a minimum of 10 faces and 10 heels at all times.  Everything else is up to you.
rainmakerrtvPosted on 05/05/04 at 04:18:16

By the rules of the week 3 card, even with a face vs. heel rematch from the tournament, it still leaves me with 2 heels left that have to be set up in singles matches (all of the rest of the roster must be in singles matches and 2 faces must face a mystery team in a tag match) ... must the 2 heels face 2 mystery wrestlers in singles matches?

Rick GarrardPosted on 05/05/04 at 05:07:51

either go heel vs heel or go heels vs mystery wrestlers in singles.  Really shouldn't affect any future rules though.  :)