A question about corner moves...

King MunshunPosted on 05/14/07 at 05:42:04

I'd read somwhere (I forget exactly where, now) that when you pick moves to be performed on an opponent in the corner, these moves should also be in the attacking wrestler's main movelist. For instance, if I select 'Move 1' in the Corner Moves chain to be 'kick to the midsection', the attacking wrestler should also have 'kick to the midsection' in their main moveslist. Is this still true, and does it have any effect on the game if the move is not in their main moves?
JakePosted on 05/14/07 at 15:34:29

I always add corner moves and what-not to the main moveset. Helps with padding it. :P
phudjiePosted on 05/14/07 at 20:35:37

.....I think corner moves have to be in the moveset; but following in cornermoves don't, I'm about 70% on this, so I could be wrong.....