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Just Wondering...

DominusPosted on 01/16/04 at 10:36:33

I haven't used TNM for a couple months, but that was only because I had to edit one of my cards, but for some reason the editor wouldn't edit the right match.  Actually in fact I believe TNM ran a match twice for some reason, & I just needed to delete one of the matches.  So basically I was stuck.  I opted to just restore a backup & redue the card.  I did that but I noticed alot of weird things..  (like Faces attacking Refs) so I checked TweakCirc SE & all the options were back to normal.  But not only that in the Injury option in Tweak, it had the wrestlers with injuries on the wrong names?!?  But when I look at my Roster it lists the right wrestlers with their injuries.  So my Question is if there is anything wrong with my TweakCirc or if that's just a bug.  Also is there anyway I could restore a backup & it will tell me the original settings I had for TweakCirc?

And by the is there going to be an update for the Circuit Editor, so we can edit Cards with Tournaments and whatnot?
Oliver CoppPosted on 01/17/04 at 18:09:23

When restoring a backup, everything is restored, including the files that hold configuration keys for TweakCirc.

If you zipped up your TNM and sent it my way with the following info:

- what match you wanted to edit/delete
- which circuit has screwed up injuries and
- what circuit your options reverted back in

I'd try to help you ASAP.
DominusPosted on 01/21/04 at 10:22:46

Umm Well anytime I restore anyback up all the Tweak settings seem to go back to normal. Like I had it so no Faces would attack Refs, but after I restored a backup, they started attacking Refs so I checked & everything seem to be at Default. No worries on the card or the matches I have to delete I've already restored a backup & already ran a card. But I do wonder about what my TweakCirc Options were before, so I can just restore them myself. Also curious as to why in the "Edit Injury" option says that Sgt. Slaughter is injured for 5 cards & Bobby Eaton is injured for 2 cards, when really it should be Ricky Steamboat for 5 & Smash for 2. Should I Just Zip up my TNM so you can take a look?
Oliver CoppPosted on 01/21/04 at 20:49:11

That would be a good idea indeed.

Maybe I should rephrase my question: were the TweakCirc setting such that faces attack refs when you made the backups you are restoring? If so, that would make perfect sense because what the restore function is supposed to do is return your TNM to the exact state it had when you made the backup.
DominusPosted on 01/21/04 at 23:22:02

Nope I have backups after every card I ran.  And I selected a few but all have the same settings (but shouldn't since I had changed them when I first started my Circuit)  I'll e-mail you my TNM.
DominusPosted on 01/28/04 at 07:46:16

OK I e-mail the zip to you last week.  Just want to make sure you got it.  I used both your e-mails too.
Oliver CoppPosted on 01/29/04 at 08:38:21

Thank you and sorry - I'm currently out of town due to UFC 46 taking place the coming Saturday. I'll get back home on Monday and will then immediately go to work on your TNM.

DominusPosted on 02/10/04 at 08:58:59

But you did recieve the e-mail though Oliver?
Oliver CoppPosted on 02/15/04 at 13:39:25

Yes, I did. I'm back now, a few days later than anticipated, and will get to your problem today.

I'm currently putting the finishing touches on the Awards.
DominusPosted on 02/21/04 at 10:14:52

I don't want to be a pest or anything, but is there any news on my TNM yet?  It's been a month since I've been able to use it & I'm getting anxious!  :D
Oliver CoppPosted on 02/22/04 at 13:54:03

Not a pest at all! Could you please confirm your e-mail address? I had mailed you a reply a week ago. As of right now, the mail didn't get bounced.
DominusPosted on 02/23/04 at 09:10:21
DominusPosted on 02/28/04 at 11:06:52

u still there?  I haven't got an e-mail yet.
Oliver CoppPosted on 03/02/04 at 20:35:09

Sent it on the 24th.

Just sent the e-mail with the two files again. Please let me know ASAP if you got them.

DominusPosted on 03/02/04 at 22:33:24

ok I got them this time.
DominusPosted on 03/02/04 at 22:34:03

What does the program update do?
Oliver CoppPosted on 03/03/04 at 22:18:33

One fixes the TweakCirc SE bug you reported, the other fixes the backup bug you got hit with.