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TNM Awards thoughts

H8-SuperstarPosted on 02/16/04 at 00:58:12

I'm surprised Pro Wrestling Guerilla didn't even crack the top 10 in best fed. The SoCal based fed have solidly produced on every show they put out. Revolution Pro was another SoCal storm and pretty much came back with extinction. It's the east coast bias I'm telling you.

On underrated wrestler:
Look at the West Coast. The best untapped talent out there. Adam Pierce, Babi Slymm, Joey Ryan, Hardkore Kidd, Quicksilver, Angel (formerly of XPW), Scorpio Sky. Pierce might be from Chicago but he was wrestling mostly in the SoCal area. They honed their skills there with a mix of ring/mat work to high flying. B-Boy finally getting exposure at the east coast having to be in the west.

Worst Promotion:
I would give the nod to UPW. They been hurt with WWE talent raids but the action is B-rated WWE and mostly involves big men. NWA-TNA have been primarily Jeff Jarrett Show. I rather prefer watching Triple H over him.

Best PPV of the Year:
I'm surprised Survivor Series is no. 2. It was booked angle-wise but only one worthy match (RAW) on it. Smackdown match was disappointing.

Best on Interviews/Promos
Cena is always a hoot to listen. Within two months Rock tore down everything with a smash. I would have 3rd place for Hardkore Kid. He's been cutting unbelievable  funny and decent promos in UPW. Who doesn't like a guy who can get a crowd to chant with him and called the fans dumbasses for listening to him?

Worst non-wrestler:
Roland Alexander of APW fame of what everything wrong in wrestling.

Best feud:
Super Dragon vs TARO was running for 2 1/2 years at RevPro that finally ended in a mask vs mask match. Do agree with Brock vs Angle as both put on a damn good match anytime. Another feud was Threat vs EWF which was a LEGIT feud that involved internet message boards property vandalism, and public threats (no pun) which was laughable and enjoyable at unprofessional levels.

Worst Gimmick:
Shaniqua (master) and the Bashams (sex slaves). Boring, confusing, and heatless. XPW would do a decent job if they gave one a gimmick like that.
Oliver CoppPosted on 02/16/04 at 07:53:14

Only roughly 1/3 of the voters came from the US, Canada and Mexico. That explains why local entities didn't really find as much support as the WWE/TNA types.

Regarding Survivor Series: that one match - at least IMO - was so good it made the PPV a great PPV.
H8-SuperstarPosted on 02/17/04 at 11:18:46

Here's few more comments:

Overrated wrestlers: My nod would go to Steve Corino for being a continual bore. I would also include Chris Daniels. I still never ever get the hype from him. Tom Howard performances pretty much blew all over UPW and Z1. The reason he's still UPW Heavyweight champ because he's the school trainer.

More on PPV of the Year. Vengeance is a good one as well. I would have it over Survivor Series. BTW, I was the one who requested to have indy shows on it as well. It was me who nominated ToD2 and PWG shows. I'm surprise no one nominated ROH shows. For Tournament of Death 2 they overdid themselves in garbage wrestling that can never be topped from use of weapons and "innovative" ways to make your opponent hurt even if it hurts the wrestler. Zandig/Mondo is one spot I hope no one ever tried to top. Mother-F'N-Bomb from a building roof all the way through two tables which two piles of stacked flourescent light bulbs. The surprising thing both were standing and Mondo went on to the finals despite a very bloody back and a concussion from. That also my surprise of the year which never got nominated. How did this slipped out of my mind?

For worst fed:
CZW slowly losing their ultraviolent identity thanks to athletic director banning several weapons and got booted out of Dover, DE thanks to DCW. Most of their fed-based talent were slow to adapt more mat/flying/strong-style and not once there's a chair in the ring to work with. Then again a chair have been used since CZW debut. The fed end up using mostly "outsiders" to cover up. Only Trent Acid and Kashmere adapted quickly to the change, but are now gone. Once in a while there be few good matches on the show. Acid/B-Boy vs Homicide/Maff was one of them.

The difference between XPW Best of PPV and This Revolution Will Be Televised? TRWBT showed how the fed started with clips of angles/storylines of then-upstart fed. Best of was thrown together of clips of matches with no continuity showing mostly Kaos in his early stuff before hitting the drugs hard when they went to Philly.

Good thing there's no Worst Match of the Year award. I'm pretty sure it would be a list of Triple H matches and Vince vs Stephanie from No Mercy on top 3; most of it undeserved. Vince vs Steph was surprisingly a fairly good match but many failed see beyond the McMahons ego. The crowd heat carried the match to a point I can't help but cheer on Steph.  :D
LillaThrillaPosted on 02/22/04 at 05:09:25

Only roughly 1/3 of the voters came from the US, Canada and Mexico.
Really?  Wow...  I would've never guess anywhere near that many were not in North America.  I guess that says something for the state of wrestling in the USA maybe?

Oh, and yes, I'm still around.  More or less... :P