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tnm e-mail list

DemonDanPosted on 08/13/03 at 02:38:16

Is that thing still running?  I was subscribed to that thing forever, and I'm just curious about it.

How many of the old users are still around?
Oliver CoppPosted on 08/13/03 at 11:16:10

Yes it is, you can subscribe here: tnmlist-subscribe@topica.coml. It's been quiet there most days lately because most of the action and discussion has been going on on the field test list, the Visualizer list and the legends exports list.
LillaThrillaPosted on 08/15/03 at 00:55:13

And to answer the other half of your question, yes alot of the old heads are still around.  Many left for awhile then came back.

It gets slow alot, but its always nice to see new faces and new circuits.  Or new BS, because goodness knows just cause it says TNM in the marquee we sure talk about some crazy other stuff too :P