How Long Does It Take

exile20Posted on 03/30/07 at 05:44:33

To get your registration codes?  Does it normally take two days to have those sent out?
phudjiePosted on 03/30/07 at 07:11:03

.....I got mine in about 15 hours, but that was ages ago - I think there is a note somewhere along the ordering process that says something about waiting 48 hours or so - but i think that is 48 hours from when the payment is processed, I think how you pay plays a (small?) role in how fast your payment is processed, with VISA being the fastest (I think).....
EmoshunPosted on 03/30/07 at 16:54:01

I actually sent a mailorder for my package. I think I waited something like four, five days and then e-mailed Oliver to ask if he got the order. He sent me the codes right then, no problem. Oliver's pretty cool.