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save a card while in the process of booking.

SeanH529Posted on 09/24/09 at 23:05:29

Now that I have TNM running on the windows side of my macbook I end up having more down time when I'm on the road to toy with things.

Yesterday I was on location for a video production shoot and had a few mintues to tinker around. I started booking the next edition of USWA Velocity TV when I was called to go do something. I was in the middle of booking the show and it accidentally saved before I got all the matches in, Then of course I can't go back and add more, so the only thing you can do is run it and then delete it. Which takes shows off of my guys contracts.

It should be simple enough to add a feature where I can start booking save it and return to book the rest of the show without having to delete it the wrong way, have havoc reaked on my league and then coming to the board to complain. :)

Thanks for listening!

kingsoprano718Posted on 12/13/09 at 16:48:49

i whole heartedly second this idea.