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Royal Rumble Order

triad4evrPosted on 02/23/06 at 22:19:40

I thought I read this request someplace but I couldn't find it so I'm going to request it myself- I'd like to see a way to select specific participants to enter at specific points but not select the order for them all- basically, I'm wanting to do a Vince and have matches for certain choice slots in the Rumble, like who enters number 30, who enters 1 and 2, etc. But I want there to be some randomness in the rest. I know, I know, I can just book the entire order of the Rumble but I want to be surprised too...
UnrightPosted on 02/23/06 at 22:55:45

I've booked Royal Rumbles like that before...

Select the Battle Royal match type and 30 participants.

Select the first couple of wrestlers in the order you want.

1. Steve Austin
2. Vince McMahon

Then select (r)andom wrestler and pick 27 wrestlers. This will randomize the middle part. Here you can input as many people as you want, or the exact people that you want to enter, but don't care how they are arranged.

3. - 29. ??? (Golga, Darren Drozdov, Edge, Gillburg, Steve Blackman, Dan Severn, Tiger Ali Singh, Blue Meanie, Mabel, Jesse James, Gangrel, Kurrgan, Al Snow, Goldust, The Godfather, Kane, Ken Shamrock, Billy Gunn, Test, Big Bossman, Hunter Hearst Helmsley, Val Venis, X-Pac, Mark Henry, Jeff Jarrett, D-Lo Brown, Owen Hart)

Now select the 30th entrant. You can even choose the winner of match X if you want the qualifying match on the same card.

30. Chyna

There ya go. Not much work and extremely do-able. Just watch out for Vince deciding to sit on commentary for the whole match, then steal the win in a ridiculous storyline.
triad4evrPosted on 02/25/06 at 01:42:24

Sweet! See, I must have seen that idea in a thread about the random participant deal- I kinda knew I heard it was possible! Thanks a lot, you rock!