
poliscimajor2004Posted on 01/03/07 at 20:22:33

help with tnm downloads
triad4evrPosted on 01/04/07 at 02:30:51

We could probably help you more if you were a little more specific. What sort of TNM downloads are you talking about? What sort of help are you requesting?
Rick GarrardPosted on 01/04/07 at 02:45:26

I will save the smart assed "the future of politics" comment for another time. ;)

I believe the downloads question is answered in Carlzilla's reply in the other thread about which plugins to get. If not, please be more specific.

that other time is now...

Politics... best summed up by a song... "I got jokers to the left of me and clowns to the right.... here I am stuck in the middle with you".  :)