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Glum76Posted on 09/23/05 at 03:21:07

The "working-the-crowd-string" is one place in the TNM wrestler record where the user can alter a wrestler's character. The problem with it is that it often needs to be updated when a wrestler's gimmick changes, when they turn face/heel, or based upon a circuit's specific storylines. Also, one string isn't enough for wrestlers that play to the crowd in a variety of different ways.

I would love to see a plug-in similar to the Crowd Chant editor that allows users to assign multiple "working-the-crowd-strings" to a single wrestler to add more "color" to their matches. It would also be great to assign different strings based upon their heel/face orientation.

Has this been suggested before? Are there inherent technical issues that would prevent this?
Oliver CoppPosted on 10/22/05 at 12:50:20

No, there are not. This is on the list as one of the next plugins.
JoeDesertratPosted on 11/29/05 at 05:13:59

While you're at it how about allowing multiple Special Moves?