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What I'd like to see

ZedjaPosted on 02/02/05 at 09:02:15

I'd like to see an option where you can check what wrestler is eligable for what title when you create it.

Like if you create a cruiserweight title you also get an option to put in the maximum weight of the wrestlers eligable for that title. When a you have match for that title only the people eligable for it would be able to be chosen. I wouldn't want Batista for example get the title by mistake.

I'd like to see the same thing for a Womens title. If you have a match for that title you'll only be able choose among the female wrestlers. Just have it as a square to be checked when you create the womens title. For those who want a MAN to have the title, don't check it.

The last thing on my list would be a feature where you could choose wrestlers in the database that you absolutely don't want to join your federation as a mystery wrestler. A way to prevent them from ever joining your circuit by mistake.
rey619Posted on 02/02/05 at 10:28:32

You should probably check out the Weight Class Wizard, which allow you to sort titles after weight and gender. The mystery opponent option has been debated thoroughly, and is certainly something many would like.

The best option now is to have different TNM installation and hence, different TNM databases. Thus, you could have a TNM - Old School installed, where the database would consist of old school wrestlers (Hogan, Bret Hart, Ultimate Warrior etc). You could then have a TNM - Indy installation (Samoa Joe, Austin Aries, NIck Gage etc), and finally a TNM - WWE (where you basically have a lot of exports of divas and people who can't wrestle).

ZedjaPosted on 02/02/05 at 13:32:24

I actually bought the WCW when I bought TNM 7 SE. But I didn't quite get into it yet. Does it work on the entire database or just the wrestlers you've hired? Because I know some other plugins only work with the people you've actually hired.
rey619Posted on 02/02/05 at 16:05:06

To tell you the truth, I haven't used it much myself, but I think it only works for the circuit in which you run it. You can divide the circuit into brands, and filter out everyone above 220 lbs for example. Or filter only women. It also incorporates rankings, so that you can see which cruiserweight is best in the rankings, and may be eligible for a title shot. It doesn't actually prevent you from booking Petey Williams vs Big Show in a Cruiserweight Title Match, it's more like a circuit aid.
ZedjaPosted on 02/02/05 at 17:58:58

I just checked it out and it seems that it only works with wrestlers you've hired, while my suggestion would work right at the title creation phase.
CarlzillaPosted on 02/04/05 at 08:48:18

I don't really see Oliver implementing an option that would completely negate any use for something he has released as a commercial plug in. But I'm not him so I can't say for sure, but I would bet you money that you won't see your suggestion implemented in TNM7.

I don't think very many people run in e-mail only mode anyway, and if you do I recomend hiring your people instead and using the ~ key to bring in outside talent when you want to. I recomend this because; a lot of circut based plug-ins only work with your hired roster.