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planed plugins?

TNM7Posted on 08/13/04 at 05:15:40


Wondering if Oliver could update us on a few plug-in's that were suggested, and he said had potential to make it to TNM users:

1- Judges.
This was the 3 (+/-)  judges plug-in that would/could be used in case of no-decision in a title match or any other match that went on a points system.

2- No Show explainer.
This one you could enter the reason a wrestler no-showed your event.

3- Lumber Jack.
self explanatory

Thanks for the time!

FrankieLoPosted on 08/14/04 at 00:32:23

That No Shower Explainer is a good idea for a plug-in

Oliver CoppPosted on 09/12/04 at 14:43:41

Neither of these ideas could be done as a plugin because they all heavily rely on TNM's base functionality and are linked directly to it.

Judges are a possibility, a "no-show explainer" is as well but the lumberjack match won't happen due to memory restrictions on the main engine.

Thanks :)
Rick GarrardPosted on 09/15/04 at 06:42:43

no lumberjack schmozzes from TNM?  BAH!  Guess I'll have to stick with writing my own into matches then :)

i.e. have 20 guys interfere in a match.  ;)
rey619Posted on 09/15/04 at 15:00:27

About the judges, you should be able to choose how many judges. TNA does this on Impact with only one judge. And 20 men interference? How do you go about doing that? Creating a fictional stable beforehand? That is a nice twist.
Rick GarrardPosted on 09/16/04 at 03:52:18

That 20 man interference is in theory... I haven't actually tried it.  And highly doubt that it would work, although to replicate a certain Yokozuna vs Undertaker casket match, you would almost need to have 20 men interfere to throw the dead man in the aforementioned casket.
rey619Posted on 09/16/04 at 12:39:03

You could easily do it the way I suggested though. First, you make up two fictional stables of 10 wrestlers each, one face and one heel. Then you make the face stable interefere with the heel and the other way around.
Now that I think of it, I will try that in one of my circuits.
americamamushiPosted on 09/16/04 at 16:48:09

You'd have to make sure to remove the line of text where they come to the ring and then turn off DQs.  The only other problem I could see is if the ref banished them from ringside for interfering.  Let us know how it goes ;D
rey619Posted on 09/17/04 at 11:45:20

On 09/16/04 at 16:48:09, americamamushi wrote:You'd have to make sure to remove the line of text where they come to the ring and then turn off DQs. The only other problem I could see is if the ref banished them from ringside for interfering. Let us know how it goes ;D
How do I remove the line? Yeah, I know there may be some minor problems, but I think it will work out OK. It is the only possible way that I can see.