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Option to add segments/interviews to a card...

CkzippyPosted on 06/30/04 at 11:03:44

AFTER the card has been run.

I know it's possible with the Interview Generator to add interviews & segments, but there are some times where something unexpected will happen in a card, and I'll want to run a segment after the card's already been run.

Is this at all possible?
americamamushiPosted on 06/30/04 at 18:01:08

Just use the Circuit editor plug-in.  You can go back and add things or change things on your card after it has been ran.  Thats what I do.  Just be carefull not to add comments to matches untill this time because after a certain number of fields they won't show up.
CkzippyPosted on 07/01/04 at 20:18:04

How can I add something completely new with the plugin?

With the plugin I can only edit/delete existing matches/comments.  I want to be able to add completely new segments.
SnDvls316Posted on 07/01/04 at 20:44:39

You can add it after a match.

For example you had Matt Hardy just Pin Kane so the last line would read something like

M. Hardy beat Kane via a small package in 15:25
rating: ***1/2

You would then just add it after the rating / or the comment about keeping/losing a title. so then it would read somehthing like this (Bold was added after)

M. Hardy beat Kane via a small package in 15:25
rating: ***1/2

Post Match: Kane attacks Matt with a chair and Lita tries to save Matt. Kane grabs Lita by the neck and lifts her up in the air in an attempt to chokeslam her. Matt is back up and hits Kane with a chair shot of his own...

when you look at the results it will show it all.
CkzippyPosted on 07/01/04 at 21:31:07

Yeah, I already knew that, I was just wondering if there was the possibility of...let's say, a future Interview Generator allowing you to add interview segments after the card's been run.

With what you suggested to me (which is what I've been doing already), it works, but all of those comments show up when I want to look up a wrestler's history and it's a bit of a hassle.

Thanks all for your input, I can live with continuing to do it w/ Circuit Editor.

BTW, is there a new Circuit Editor in the works, or am I wrong in thinking that I heard that?
SnDvls316Posted on 07/01/04 at 22:25:08

Another option is if you think your going to need an interview/segment schedule an interview after/before each match then just edit it every time and if you find you don't need it you can delete just the interview and then it won't show up in the wrestler history too.
91Posted on 07/01/04 at 22:43:24

Another option, if you don't want the entire interview transcript showing up with the results is to add it to the end of match highlights. IE...

Kane goes for the Tombstone on Matt Hardy.
Matt Hardy counters with the super-duper inverted somersault tiger bomb a MILLION and 91.
Matt Hardy executes a small package on Kane
Matt Hardy goes for the cover.
Earl Hebner counts... one, two three.
The winner is Matt Hardy.
The crowd go into awe.
Matt Hardy grabs a mic.
Matt Hardy: "You suck, and I can reveal you stole Katy Vicks purse too".

And so forth. After that, if you desire, you can note with the match results there's an interview inside the highlights, IE...

M. Hardy beat Kane via a small package in 15:25
rating: ***1/2 (!interview!)