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Lucha updates...

americamamushiPosted on 06/18/06 at 05:33:36

Ok, this is by no means extensive or anything, but I've gone through and updated heights and weights according to luchawiki as well as a few name changes for luchadores that have changed gimmicks from the luchadore exports availible on  I didn't go through and change moves or finishers, workrates, charisma, etc, etc, though I might fix finishers in the future if no one else beats me to it or does a real luchadore update... and no... I'm not going to do a real luchadore update myself.
HugeRockStar760Posted on 06/18/06 at 08:23:31

That's awesome. Thanks for putting some effort into a lucha update. I remember there was someone on TNM7's staff or on the TNM List that regularly updated lucha exports.

With AAA being on all weekend basically on Galavision, maybe I might try to update a few lucha exports.
phudjiePosted on 06/18/06 at 08:50:48

hey - thanks for the effort - it's appreciated.....
Rick GarrardPosted on 06/18/06 at 15:45:09

said person was Rob Bihari.  and TNM7's staff consists merely of Oliver.  :)
HugeRockStar760Posted on 06/18/06 at 18:08:53

Why doesn't Rob do anything with TNM anymore? I don't know how TNM interferes with work or how it takes up that much time for someone to just retire from it.
Snabbit888Posted on 06/18/06 at 18:57:01

I know Rob was interning with Highspots for awhile, but other than that, I dunno.  I've had to take breaks from TNM before, but it's a game, so I always thought when people "retired" from it that it was a bit pretentious. :)
Rick GarrardPosted on 06/18/06 at 21:40:45

Rob and his "kliq" were always "better" than the rest of the TNM users in their minds.  ;)  Hi Rob and Jose and Graeme.
HugeRockStar760Posted on 06/19/06 at 02:23:15

Graeme jumped quickly over to Total Extreme Warfare when that became trendy.
LillaThrillaPosted on 08/23/06 at 07:16:27

Scotsman was more a character than anything useful.  ;D

Jose and especially Rob were pretty good on the lucha end of things.
HugeRockStar760Posted on 08/30/06 at 07:05:57

The .zip file isn't downloading, could you re-upload please?

Also, there must be a lucha expert that loves making lucha exports reading these threads. Please contribute your knowledge and help in this area.
americamamushiPosted on 08/30/06 at 10:09:14

On 08/30/06 at 07:05:57, HugeRockStar760 wrote:The .zip file isn't downloading, could you re-upload please?
Try right clicking and "Save Target As."  It just worked perfectly fine for me.
HugeRockStar760Posted on 08/30/06 at 17:44:36

You're right. I must've clicked on the link instead. Thanks.