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Some old-school/international help

PeteF3Posted on 01/27/05 at 10:25:10

I've been trying to amass exports of both old-time (1950s) wrestlers and older international stars (from Mexico, Japan, and elsewhere).  Some of these guys I'm looking for are probably a lost cause (at least accurate versions), but I figure I'll throw these names out anyway.  Anyone have...

El Solitario
Sweet Daddy Siki
Blue Demon (the original, not Junior)
Rayo de Jalisco (ditto)
Black Shadow
Kintaro Oki
Mighty Inoue
Handsome Johnny Barend
The Magnificent Maurice
Umanosuke Ueda
Kotetsu Yamamoto
The Mongolian Stomper (Archie Gouldie)
Dara Singh
Cavernario Galindo
Jack Veneno
Don Eagle
King Curtis Iaukea

And possibly some more as I think of it.  I'm particularly interested in old-school lucha (and I'm aware that not a lot of it is readily available on tape) and '70s-'80s puroresu.  Any guys not on the TNM Export page who fit that description would be welcome.  Thanks in advance.
HugeRockStar760Posted on 01/28/05 at 03:31:37

I could've sworn there was a Mongolian Stomper export on the TNM 6.2 export page.
PeteF3Posted on 01/28/05 at 05:30:36

On 01/28/05 at 03:31:37, HugeRockStar760 wrote:I could've sworn there was a Mongolian Stomper export on the TNM 6.2 export page.
Yes, and that one happens to have a ton of stuff that I can use!  Thanks.

Still looking for any of the other guys mentioned in the first post...
alxPosted on 02/10/06 at 23:56:41

Better late than never?

If it helps, Sweet Daddy Siki and Mongolian Stomper both had runs in Memphis as late as the mid-80s