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Anyone interested?

rey619Posted on 02/04/05 at 20:54:26

I just got a tape of a small IWA: MS show in my hands. It features some indy talent I haven't seen exports for. The thing is, all the guys are doing triple duty, so there is a good chance I'm able to make a good export out of them by only watching 1 show. I won't do this if nobody is interested in them of course, so that's why I am asking in advance. Ok, the wrestlers are:

Corporal Robinson, Indiana Kidd Jr, Ryan Boz, Drake Younger, Breyer Wellington, Brandon Thomaselli and Mickie Knuckles. In addition, Zach Gowen, Ian Rotten and Nate Webb are also in, but I think there exists exports of them already.

So, if anybody is interested, I may very well invest some time making these.. if not.. then I won't bother  :)
Snabbit888Posted on 02/04/05 at 20:58:11

I'd definitely be interested in a decent Indiana Kidd Jr., Brandon Thomaselli, and Ryan Boz.  At least something basically to start.
TerryFunkaPosted on 02/04/05 at 21:08:39

id be interested in any iwa ms guys/girls
rey619Posted on 02/04/05 at 23:08:25

Great, I'll check the tape out and try to do make them within a week. I'll send them out to anyone interested, and maybe have Peter put them up at TNM UK.
SuperstarJimiCPosted on 02/05/05 at 19:56:22

I'm interested in those IWA-MS wrestlers. My E-mail is

They'll be interesting wrestlers on TNM7SE.
YunPosted on 02/09/05 at 20:11:23

I'd be interested in a Mickie Knuckles export if possible.
rey619Posted on 02/13/05 at 16:40:44

Just a little update here.. I have completed Wellington, Boz, Robinson and Thomaselli, all of which are quite accurate. Mickie Knuckles were unfortunately quite squashed by (of all people) Zach Gowen, so I have only a few moves for her. I complemented it with moves I thought someone like her could do (her own web page list suplexes and sub moves as favorites, so I added a few together with the standard chops, punch and clotheslines).

I lack vital info on Drake Younger and Indiana Kidd, height, weight and so on (neither appeared on, so if I don't find anything soon I will send out the above mentioned completed ones.
rey619Posted on 02/15/05 at 09:17:11

IWA MS pack sent to Snabbit, Superstar and to TNM UK.. I need e-mail addresses for the rest.. oh, and I couldn't complete Indiana Kidd and Younger for the time being..
YunPosted on 02/18/05 at 08:28:46

Please send to yun648 @ hotmail . com (spaces added to prevent spamming)

Thanks in advance
SuperstarJimiCPosted on 02/19/05 at 19:45:56

Hey rey619, Can you send me copy of the IWA-MS wrestlers with just a regular file? I tried with the zip file & it didn't open & the file disappeared? If you can thanks.
rey619Posted on 02/19/05 at 20:04:21

It disappeared? Now, that's strange.. it was a .rar file I think.. but sure, I'll send you an unzipped version
TerryFunkaPosted on 02/19/05 at 20:40:50

im also interested in the export, or any indy guys for that matter.
rey619Posted on 02/19/05 at 21:04:03

sure, what's your e-mail?
King_Of_Old_SchoolPosted on 02/21/05 at 20:18:08

They're all up now at TNM UK.
SuperstarJimiCPosted on 02/21/05 at 23:48:11

Hey rey-rey619, I need to ask do you have any East Coast Indy exports? Let me know.
rey619Posted on 02/22/05 at 00:11:16

Not anyone that's not covered over at TNM:UK, no...
Shaun SindelmanPosted on 02/22/05 at 00:21:54

whoya looking for Jimi?
SuperstarJimiCPosted on 02/22/05 at 00:33:38

Bonecrusher Fred Sampson? He works in ECWA.

If you have any Border City Wrestling stars from Canada, Here's two more wrestlers to throw at you:
Tyson Dux

Let me know if you have either one of those three or not.
rey619Posted on 02/22/05 at 00:43:12

Sorry, but BCW is high on my list for feds to make exports of if only I can get hold of a tape or something.
TerryFunkaPosted on 02/22/05 at 02:03:33

anyone have any chikara guys or jcw or iwc ?