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John Walters

teddy1221Posted on 11/07/04 at 05:34:53

Hey all, if anyone is interested, I am working on a John Walters export.  Leave me your email, and I will send. What I have done is cloned Benoit, and tried to change or add in some moves.  Its not a great export, so feel free to modify.  I have seen him wrestle, but not enough to get an extensive moveset. He is in that Benoit mold though. The finishers are accurate.
rey619Posted on 11/07/04 at 14:50:37
Murphy42782Posted on 11/14/04 at 11:07:27

hey do you think you could send me a copy of him too.
teddy1221Posted on 11/14/04 at 19:06:18

it's been sent.
dmtld50Posted on 12/17/04 at 00:14:46
SuperstarJimiCPosted on 12/17/04 at 00:27:13

Can you send me a copy of the John Walters export.

In advanced thanks, I appreciate it.
HugeRockStar760Posted on 12/17/04 at 08:18:22

I'd appreciate it as well.

I checked out Walters' profile at obsessedwithwrestling.  He does look similar to Benoit.

Eric, you're the ROH expert, explain a little about him please.  I might want to add him to a circuit one day.

teddy1221Posted on 12/17/04 at 13:04:42

i will email it out sometime tonight.  anyone feel free to fix it up if you like, i am not the greatest at making wrestlers.
YunPosted on 12/29/04 at 12:41:12

yun648 at gmail dot com the spam avoidance version. I'd appreciate it as well.