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New export files / TNM UK

King_Of_Old_SchoolPosted on 09/16/04 at 18:15:18

Hey everybody. I've been working on some brand new export files over the last few months. These include the following grapplers:

Akio and Sakoda
John Bradshaw Layfield
Kenzo Suzuki
Luther Reigns
Tyson Tomko
I've also got an entire roster update in the pipeline.

Alex Shelley
D-Ray 3000
Jeff Hardy
Monty Brown
Pat Kenney
Team Canada ("The Natural" Bobby Rude, "Showtime" Eric Young, "Hotshot" Johnny Devine and Petey Williams)
The Elite Guard (Hernandez, Onyx and Collyer)
The Naturals (Andy Douglas and Chase Stevens)
And again, I'm working on a roster update.

I'm currently trying to get in touch with Troy to host these files so I can get them up on TNM UK. However, if you are interested in obtaining these files now, drop me an e-mail at or leave a message after this one with your e-mail address and I'll fire them off to you.

TNM UK - just one Pouuuuuuuuunce away!!!
Critic of the DawnPosted on 09/16/04 at 19:22:37

I could use D-Ray 3000, Bobby Rude and Eric Young.

If you could zip them up and email them to I'd be much obliged.

Eric "Critic of the Dawn"
SuperstarJimiCPosted on 09/16/04 at 23:26:38

Can you send me a copy of the new wrestlers from WWE & TNA? My e-mail is at:

I can sure use D-Ray 3000 & the other updates. If you can, thank you alot.

Are you coming out with any other fed exports like Ring of Honor, Big Japan Pro Wrestling or even Combat Zone Wrestling? let us know.
phudjiePosted on 09/17/04 at 05:41:43

.....if you could drop your TNA update on me, that'd be great:
rey619Posted on 09/17/04 at 11:47:57

It's really great to see that you are making updates again. I will pop by your site when they are done! Cheers!
King_Of_Old_SchoolPosted on 09/17/04 at 19:35:24

Right now, I'm working on exports of the following:

All Money Is Legal
Austin Aries
Havana Pitbulls
Jerrelle Clark
John Walters
Mikey Batts
Outkast Killaz
Sexxxy Eddy
Slyk Wagner Brown
Teddy Hart

I can get all the stats, its movesets that are slowing the process down. Anyway, that's what's in the works presently.

Darth_KrawliePosted on 09/18/04 at 04:08:02

Hey, I'd like Heidenreich, Luther, Kenzo, and Tomko if you get a chance.  My email's

JustinPosted on 09/18/04 at 04:17:08

send both the wwe & tna sets to me please at:
HallNashPosted on 09/18/04 at 07:20:33

I would love the updates and new exports as well...
Email to
SuperstarJimiCPosted on 09/18/04 at 19:13:13

Can you send an update of those next wrestlers that would be great. Thank You.
sly1Posted on 09/19/04 at 03:08:42

If you could send those exports to I would be very thankful.
009Posted on 09/19/04 at 06:11:50

If you could send a Luther Reigns export to it'd be greatly appreciated!
King_Of_Old_SchoolPosted on 09/19/04 at 15:18:35

If you requested files recently and didn't receive them, its because they are all now up at TNM UK.
Tom_ImpPosted on 09/21/04 at 09:59:22

Awesome news! Glad to see you are back again.