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Does anyone have an old Glen Kulka export?

Owen Hart RIPPosted on 06/27/04 at 22:50:17

phudjiePosted on 06/29/04 at 06:37:06

.....I had one that I made myself around the time that he was wrestling dark matches for the WWF, I lost due to a computer malfunction, but I may have sent it to either TNM UK or Josh Liller's TNM 316, TNM UK is more likely, but if my export exists anywhere anymore, it'll be on one of those two sites.....
Owen Hart RIPPosted on 06/29/04 at 16:32:24

I can remember When I was using him as a babyface in my old WWF circuit as a tag partner of Duane Gill's Gillberg character where he would go around in interviews saying "WATCHA GONNA DO WHEN KULKAMANIA RUNS WILD ON YOU!" those were priceless moments, lol!