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Exportz other Schmidt

NormanTharxFanPosted on 05/18/04 at 15:31:36

I have several TNM Export files that I found on a floppy the other day. I don't have them zipped but I do have them compressed using an old version of a program called WinRAR. If anyone has a program that could extract RAR files, e-mail me at or

If you wish for me to zip these files up, I will instead. Some are real wrestlers, some are fantasy! Some are gimmick matches and weapons. They are pretty old however. I also created a file in Corel WordPerfect 8.0. If you have Corel or a program that can open Corel 8.0 files and wish for these suggestions, please e-mail me as well.

The Export files are RARed up in one RAR file, but I suppose I could do a ZIP version if you want

I don't have the Corel 8 files (I also have a foreign object and gimmick match suggestion file as well) zipped up yet, if you wish for those also drop me a line.

PS: My e-mail is slow, so if you end up getting it in two weeks time, don't be surprised!
:'( :-* :-/ :-X (Canadian Indy fed)
NormanTharxFanPosted on 05/18/04 at 15:34:30

Oh, and by the way, Just to tell you how old these were, most of them were made way back in 1998! So if you see any real guys you already have, don't import them. I did a few updates to some of the downloaded ones however (guys like Al Perez)