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anyone have arena plugin

tripps04Posted on 02/24/04 at 23:01:33

Does anyone know where I can get a copy of the arena plugin.  Thanks ;D
TNM7Posted on 02/28/04 at 09:56:15

Here is a site I KNOW has it ;)

Also, IF you are gonna get it from here, please do so bt Feb 29, as my free account there is being deleted with the doing-aways of free hosting on hypermart, but I will open a new Geocicites account on the 1st with all the same plugins and an updated arena listing!

tripps04Posted on 03/01/04 at 01:57:47

thanks, I really appreciate it.  ;D
TNM7Posted on 03/01/04 at 16:44:16


Like I said, I am working on a new export site.

I am also working on updating the Arena Plugin files. It may take a bit, as there are a LOT of areanas to put in.

I will keep the forums updated.
