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Anyone with ...?

MudpupPosted on 01/10/04 at 21:50:36

Anyone with an Eric Angle and/or Teddy Hart export? For the smaller indy guys, any Mark Zout (IPW) or HyZaya?

ZerostarPosted on 01/12/04 at 04:04:50

I'm making a Teddy Hart one as I type this, so I'll be able to send that out to you in a day or two...

Zout is pretty hard to make an export of, because his moveset isn't very static, as it all depends on what famous wrestler he's impersonating at the time.

Can't help with HyZaya, since I've only seen him once and the only moves he pulled out were a reverse cradle and a dropkick.

Don't watch WWE/WWF/OVW/HWA, so can't help with Eric Angle either, sorry.
MudpupPosted on 01/12/04 at 05:17:53

Thanks Zerostar!

Eric Angle and Hyzaya I have covered. Wouldn't worry about Zout because you're right about his gimmick.

Hart, I've never even seen, so it would be hard to give him a proper write-up. Greatly appreciate the help on this one!
