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Any export for Le Resistance?

SnDvls316Posted on 05/02/03 at 04:04:59

I found Rene Dupre (sp?) but can't find the other guy or his name. Any help would be nice thanks

xavierflairPosted on 05/03/03 at 20:08:11

Sylvan Granier, I believe, is probably going to be someone you're going to have to make up or wait for TNM UK to create an export.
BobHollyPosted on 05/04/03 at 08:05:51

btw it's Sylvain Grenier :-*

I guess it would be bette to wait until they wrestle in at least ONE match to see what's their style...

Anyone has ever seen one of them wrestle?
xavierflairPosted on 05/04/03 at 17:25:40

From what I've heard about Rene Dupree (is there a second E or not?), he has a style similar to that of Jacque Rogeau (probably because they're family or related or something like that) but I heard he has pretty decent power game too. So who knows.
DoubleJ74Posted on 05/07/03 at 21:29:45

I believe Sylvain Grenier wrestled up in Quebec and was known as Franky the Mobster...but i could be wrong but i was sure when he showed up on No way Out i checked The wrestling promotion that runs in Quebec and they said he was the ref so it might be true....
BobHollyPosted on 05/09/03 at 16:56:48

Sylvan(it seems the way WWE names him, although his real name is Sylvain...) Grenier wrestler in Montreal area under the name Sly...

I'm 99,9% sure about that and 100% he's not Franky The Mobster...
Tom_ImpPosted on 05/20/03 at 06:12:05

They'll most likely be in the next TNM UK export and as always they'll probably be one of, if not the most accurate export out there.
King_Of_Old_SchoolPosted on 05/20/03 at 16:53:08

And you'd be right about that. René Duprée and Sylvan Grenier - La Résistance - will be in the next WWE export pack at TNM UK, along with Mr. America. Who is that masked man??

By the way, does anyone know what Crash Holly is calling his finishing move now? It's that Styles Clash rip-off that he used to call the Crash Landing, but I read somewhere that he'd changed the name to suit his new Moore-on character. I can't for the life of me remember what it's called though. Any help is greatly appreciated.
Critic_of_the_DawnPosted on 05/21/03 at 08:01:28

Not sure. He doesn't win enough for it to stick out in my head. ;D

"Crash Course" is coming to mind, but that could be totally random and unrelated to everything. So take it with a grain of salt.

EDIT: Oh, by the way, is there an ETA on that, by any chance?

Eric "Critic of the Dawn"
phudjiePosted on 05/21/03 at 11:33:42

Crash is calling his Style Clash the Bottome Feeder, or atleast that is what it was called on Velocity last time I saw it, but it was originally called the Crash Course.....
cerberosPosted on 05/21/03 at 16:22:45

The Bottom feeder?  Which of those idiots on Velocity called it that?  Matthews or Miller?  GOOD GAWD THAT HAS TO BE THE WORST FINISHER NAME EVER!!!
King_Of_Old_SchoolPosted on 05/23/03 at 11:29:27

The latest WWE updated roster pack is up now at TNM UK.