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BobJacobsenVER1Posted on 01/29/11 at 21:08:00

New Age Wrestling

Roster :


CM Punk
Rick Rude
Dolph Ziggler
The Miz
Doink The Clown
Mr. Perfect
Cody Rhodes
Ted Dibiase
Chris Jericho


The Undertaker
The Big Boss Man
Marty Jannetty
Randy Orton
Evan Bourne
Randy Savage
Jake Roberts
Shawn Michaels
Brutus Beefcake


Tag Team


Weekly TV

Monday Night Fights


January : Night Of Champions

March : Spin The Wheel.. Make The Deal

May : The Mayn Event

July : Summer Sizzler

September : Fall Brawl

November : Thanksgiving Thunder
BobJacobsenVER1Posted on 01/29/11 at 21:26:26

*Scene shows thousands of screaming fans in the NAW arena. 20 Wrestlers stand in the ring as NAW owner Bob Jacobsen comes out.*

Bob : Welcome everyone to NAW!! Tonight you will witness one match. This one match, however, will create the future of NAW. After tonight, we will know who will be facing off for the different NAW titles coming up on Pay Per View in two weeks! The first 16 men eliminated from the battle royal will form teams to create an 8 team tournament for the tag team titles! Meaning, whoever is tossed out first will team with who is tossed out second, and so on. The 17th and 18th men tossed from the ring will battle for the TV Title! The last two men left in the ring will face off for the world title! Plus, whoever tosses out the 19th wrestler, will decide the stipulation for that world title match! So, without further ado... Let the battle royal... Begin!

*Bell Rings*

20-Man Battle Royal

The battle royal started fast and furious! Cody Rhodes was trying to hide in the corner to protect his face. Big Boss Man went straight for Ted Dibiase, they have had issues in the past. Marty Jannetty and Shawn Michaels appeared to put there past break up behind them as they teamed up on Mr. Perfect.

x Punk threw out Beefcake in 0:03:33

The first elimination came when CM punk was taking it to Brutus Beefcake in the corner. Brutus slapped on the sleeper but Punk slipped out and caught a stunned Beefcake with a GTS. Shortly after he dumped him out. On the other side of the ring Randy Orton flew toward The Miz and knocked him out!

x R. Orton threw out Miz after a flying clothesline in 0:03:59

So the first team made for the tournament is Brutus Beefcake and The Miz! Meanwhile, Randy Savage was trying to toss out Chris Jericho when Cody Rhodes sneaked behind Randy Savage
and flipped him over the top rope!

x C. Rhodes threw out Savage in 0:04:30

Randy was furious and tried to get back into the ring after Cody, but Cody slipped under the bottom rope and went under the ring, hiding his face! Just as Randy Savage was just about to get to Cody, a body flew out of the ring!

x Yokozuna threw out J. Roberts after a headbutt in 0:05:37

Randy Savage stared at Jake Roberts as both men realized they would have to team up to win the tag titles. Randy was uneasy about it but you could hear Jake saying he was a changed man and he could trust him. Meanwhile, Mr. Perfect was going after Shawn Michaels in the corner. Evan Bourne was going at it with Rick Rude. Rude hit a devastating rude awakening and tossed out Evan's limp body.

x Rude threw out E. Bourne in 0:07:01

Rude went over to help Mr. Perfect and they almost eliminated Shawn Michaels, but Marty Jannetty came over and helped Shawn stay in! The evil clown Doink was over with the Big Boss Man and was running back and forth. Boss Man ran after Doink and Doink side stepped him, pushing him out!

x Doink threw out Boss Man in 0:08:41

Bossman tried to go back in after Doink but the officials stopped him and Doink just laughed... Meanwhile, Randy Orton, Edge, Shawn Michaels and Marty Jannetty all tried to throw out Yokozuna, but were unsuccesful. Chris Jericho came over and ripped Edge off of Yoko as Mr. Perfect came over and yanked Shawn Michaels off. The Undertaker was nailing Doink in the corner with a few vicious rights. On the other side of the ring, Edge nailed a nasty reverse neckbreaker on Jericho and tossed him out!

x Edge threw out Jericho after a reverse neckbreaker in 0:12:27

There was a staredown between Jericho and Edge. The only thing that broke the intesity between the two was the giant battle going on the other side of the ring. Yokozuna and The
Undertaker were going at it on the other side of the ring, throwing punches back and forth. Undertaker went for a huge clothesline but it didn't seem to phase Yokozuna at all. Yoko
caught Undertaker on his second running attack attempt and tossed him out with a huge Soviet Suplex to the astonishment of the crowd!

x Yokozuna threw out Undertaker after a Soviet suplex in 0:14:33

Jim Ross : Folks, the first 4 teams have been set! Let's send it to the back where Josh Matthews is standing by with updated brackets and one of the teams! Josh?

Josh : Thanks Jim, let's look at the first two matches set for the big Pay Per View in two weeks.

Brutus Beefcake & The Miz V.S. Randy Savage & Jake Roberts
Evan Bourne & Big Boss Man V.S. Chris Jericho & The Undertaker

Josh : Two very interesting matches and with me right now is one team that I have no clue if they will be able to co exist, Randy Savage and Jake Roberts. Gentlemen, you have a heated past, will you be able to work as a team to obtain NAW gold?

Jake : Josh, it's as simple as this. The past, is just that. We all have two sides to us. Ying and Yang, Black and white, Good and Evil. On January 30th, we'll either win or lose, and I plan on winning.

Randy : Jake, you listen and you listen good, uh huh... You crossed paths with me before and you sicked a cobra on me. It's been years and we've been down the Highways and Byways
and I beat you up and I'll admit, you beat me up. Like you said, the past is the past, but I swear, if you cross me again, there will be no future for you... Dig It!?

Jake : You can trust me Randy, I'm a changed man.

Josh : Folks, a tense situation back here, back to you at ringside.

Just as we head back to the ring, Mr. Perfect took down Randy Orton and tossed him over the rope!

x Perfect threw out R. Orton after a headlock takedown in 0:17:24

Bobby The Brain Heenan was outside celebrating Perfects eliminating of Randy Orton, when on the opposite side Edge tossed out Rick Rude! Bobby was beside himself and he lost it even more when Edge turned around and dumped out Mr. Perfect!!

x Edge threw out Rude in 0:18:20
x Edge threw out Perfect after a chop in 0:19:16

Bobby Heenan was seen livid as he was making his way back to the locker room with his two men. Doink tried spraying Shawn Michaels with one of his trick flowers, but Shawn ducked and tied him up in a reverse figure four! Shawn held on for what seemed like forever and when he was satisfyed the clown was no more, he let the hold go and tossed Doink over the top rope!

x S. Michaels threw out Doink after a reverse figure-four leglock in 0:20:29

Dolph Ziggler was trying to toss out Shawn Michaels but to no avail. Marty Jannetty and Edge were double teaming Yokozuna when the big 600 pounder tossed out Edge and as Marty tried to save Edge, Yoko caught Marty with a bearhug, quick head butt and then tossed him out!

x Yokozuna threw out Edge in 0:22:58
x Yokozuna threw out Jannetty after a headbutt in 0:23:36

All the men in the ring tried to get Yokozuna out, but it was no use, the big man wasn't budging. In one corner, Ted DiBiase and Shawn Michaels were going at it, in another, Dolph Ziggler and CM Punk. Shawn was trying to battle his way out of the corner when out of no where, from an angle that wasn't visible on tv, someone was holding Shawns foot. This gave Ted enough time to take advantage and throw Shawn Michaels out!

x DiBiase threw out S. Michaels in 0:26:35

Shawn Michaels was livid and he was looking for the person who did this and realized the man was hiding under the ring, it was Cody Rhodes! Shawn nailed Cody 4 times, each time Cody was blocking his face. Shawn tossed Cody back in. Ted DiBiase set sights on Yokozuna, and he actually locked on the Million Dollar Dream! Yokozuna was fading fast and all the men in the ring tried throwing Yoko out, but the Million Dollar Dream got Yoko to a point where he was down on the mat and very hard for even the 4 men left to lift him. Out of no where, Dolph Ziggler nailed a nasty leg sweep on CM Punk and tossed Punk out!

x Ziggler threw out Punk after a legsweep in 0:29:02

Jim Ross : The 8 teams have been set, lets send it quickly back to Josh Matthews, Josh?

Josh Matthews : Thank you Jim. All 4 first round matches have been set now for the tag team titles. They are :

Brutus Beefcake & The Miz V.S. Randy Savage & Jake Roberts
Evan Bourne & Big Boss Man V.S. Chris Jericho & The Undertaker
Randy Orton & Rick Rude V.S. Mr. Perfect & Doink The Clown
Edge & Marty Jannetty V.S. Shawn Michaels & CM Punk

Josh : Joining me now is the team of Randy Orton and Ravishing Rick Rude. Bobby Heenan, you have a good shot at winning the Tag Titles it seems to me!

Bobby Heenan : Who let you out of the middle school to pretend to be Mr. Interviewer, huh? This is a travisty. Rick, you are worthy of any gold. The ladies love you. But to be teamed with this man, The Viper they call you. This is a black day for My Family, something you will never be a part of punk. And for the fact that we have to face off against Mr. Perfect, a loyal member to this family, and some psycho clown... This is just unfair. And another thing...

*Randy Orton hits Bobby Heenan with an RKO. He is spun around by Rick Rude and given a Rude Awakening!*

Josh : My god we need security back here! Security!

Jim : What a shocking turn of events back in the backstage area. We are down to four ment in the ring, whoever the next two that gets tossed out will fight for the TV Titles! Dolph Ziggler and Ted DiBiase worked on getting Yokozuna up, Cody helped a little but kept wincing and needing to touch the 600 pounder. Yokozuna soon started waking up and fought off Dolph Ziggler and tossed him out!

x Yokozuna threw out Ziggler in 0:32:42

Ted DiBiase slapped on the Million Dollar Dream again but before Yoko could drop down again, he flipped Ted off of his back, over the top rope for the elimination!

x Yokozuna threw out DiBiase in 0:33:42

The final two men in the ring will face off at the Pay Per View at the end of the month, and whoever tosses out the final man gets to choose the stipulation! Cody kept hiding in the corner, trying his hardest not to touch Yokozuna. Every time Yoko came close, he would dropkick Yoko to keep him away. Yokozuna finally caught Cody and he wrapped him in a bearhug! Not sure if it was the pain or the sheer thought of Yokozuna touching him, but Cody went unconcious and Yoko tossed Cody Rhodes over for the victory!

x Yokozuna threw out C. Rhodes after a bearhug in 0:38:49

Jim Ross : Folks, this has been an amazing night! We will see you next week for a wrap up of tonights battle royal and I have been informed some key matches leading into the Pay Per View in less then two weeks. Goodnight Everyone!

*NAW Monday Night Fights goes off the air as Yokozuna is celebrating in the ring with Mr. Fuji.*
BobJacobsenVER1Posted on 02/02/11 at 17:10:18

*Fans in the NAW arena are cheering like crazy as pyro goes off.*

Jim Ross : Good Evening everyone and welcome to Monday Night Fights! We are six days away from the crowning of our champions here in NAW. In six days, we will be on Pay Per View with Wight of Champions! But Tonight folks, we will have a taste of the type of action we will see on Sunday! Let's get up to the ring for our opening contest!

Doink V.S. The Big Boss Man

The evenings first match took a little while to start because Doink was on the outside making balloon animals for kids and popping them right in front of there faces! The Boss Man had enough of this and went outside and threw the evil clown inside. Once inside, The Big Boss Man took control and was really laying into Doink when he slipped outside again. Boss Man chased after Doink but once Doink ran back into the ring, got caught with a nasty kick. The match was in the hands of Doink at this point, getting a couple near falls. The ending came when Doink went outside and sprayed a trick flower into the eyes of the bell ringer at ring side. The ref went outside and ordered Doink back in and while the Ref was checking on the Bell Ringer, Doink went into his trunks and pulled out what looked to be brass knucks! He went to blast Boss Man with them, but Boss Man ducked, nailed Doink which caused the Knucks to fly. Boss Man grabbed the Knucks and nailed Doink, knocking him out! The ref didn't see this and came back in and counted the three for the victory!

Big Boss Man pinned Doink the Clown after hitting him with brass knuckles in
Rating: ** 3/4

Jim Ross : Folks, let's take a look at the end of last weeks battle royal which has set up quite the interesting world title match next week on pay per View!

*Video plays of Cody Rhodes who kept hiding in the corner, trying his hardest not to touch Yokozuna. Every time Yoko came close, he would dropkick Yoko to keep him away. Yokozuna finally caught Cody and he wrapped him in a bear hug! Not sure if it was the pain or the sheer thought of Yokozuna touching him, but Cody went unconcious and Yoko tossed Cody Rhodes over for the victory!*

*Dashing Cody Rhodes makes his way down to ringside and grabs a mic.*

Dashing Cody Rhodes : My god. Would you look at all the ugly, unkempt, truely hideous people in the crowd. Do you people realize how much it takes to keep this face...Dashing? Last week I was in the ring with a bunch of people just like you. They smelled, they were fat and overweight.. One in particular.. The last man I was face to face with.. Yokozuna. Now granted, he is an excellent wrestler and deserves to be where he is, but he certainly isn't Dashing. Now next week on Pay Per View, because I outlasted 18 other men, I EARNED the right to face off for the world title.. But I'm not stupid. Do you think I am going to take a chance of that Japanese behomoth laying one of his 500 pound legs on this face? You've got to be kidding me! The one thing more important to me then the NAW title is my Dashing good looks. So, I have made a deal with someone and we will be switching places in the title matches.. Because now my face is not only Dashing... It's worth a Million Bucks!

*Ted Dibiase's theme blares through out the arena and the crowd boos very loudly as The Million Dollar Man heads to the ring, laughing all the way. He gets in the ring and shakes Cody's hand. Ted takes the mic.*

Ted : As all you nickel and dimers can see, there are two smart people in this ring. Year after year I told you that EVERYONE has a price.. and you constantly jeered me.. Well look at Cody, he still has a very important NAW TV title match at Night of Champions... I have guarenteed him once I win the title he will get the first title defense.. And a Million Dollars! You should all follow in this mans steps! He is smart, unlike his Daddy who years ago turned down my offer! Now Yokozuna.. You and Mr. Fuji, I respect you both greatly.. But this Sunday, I will be winning the NAW World Title and you can take that, to the bank! HAHAHAHAHA....

*As the fans boos were drowning out any other noise in the arena, NAW president Bob Jacobsen comes out on to the stage.*

Bob : Nicely done Cody, Ted. I have no power to over rule this decision.. So this Sunday it will be Cody Rhodes V.S. Dolph Ziggler for the TV title and Ted Dibiase V.S. Yokozuna for the world title.. HOWEVER... You both will be seeing tag team action tonight... And Cody, there's no getting out of this. Your opponents will be the team of the man you threw out of the battle royal last week Cody..Macho Man Randy Savage... And the man that you both had a hand in eliminating... The Heart Break Kid... Shawn Michaels! And that match starts....NOW!
Good Luck!

*Bob Jacobsen leaves as Ted and Cody are furious.*

Jim Ross : Huge news tonight and we are just getting started! Let's head back to the ring for this huge tag team match!

Ted Dibiase/Cody Rhodes V.S. Shawn Michaels/Randy Savage

This contest was a true drag out, hard fought match. Randy Savage was in the ring with Ted Dibiase which brought memories back from 23 years prior at Wrestlemania 4. Nothing had changed since then it seemed with the hatred between the two men. Cody Rhodes came in with quick tags, but mostly stayed on the apron. Shawn Michaels tried so hard to get Cody to come in, but every time they were close to locking up, the Dashing one tagged out. The end came when Randy Savage went around the ring with Cody not seeing him, and Randy pulling Cody down and fighting to the back. Shawn Michaels hit a swinging neckbreaker and took the win!

Randy Savage and Shawn Michaels defeated Ted DiBiase and Cody Rhodes when S. Michaels pinned DiBiase after a reverse neckbreaker in 0:06:26.
Rating: * 3/4

Jim Ross : Folks coming up next we have a big 3 on 1 handicap match, with Yokozuna facing 3 men he tossed out at the Royal Rumble.. Marty Jannetty, Jake Roberts and The Undertaker! Wh.. oh folks we have something brewing in the middle of the asile way!

*Cody Rhodes is helping Ted to the back. Mr. Fuji is making his way down the aisle with Yokozuna and Ted and Yoko have a staredown as Cody rushed to the back. Mr. Fuji leads Yoko away from the stare down with Ted and they get in the ring. Mr. Fuji grabs a mic.*

Mr. Fuji : Oh you stupid Americans! All you do is cheer wishy washy wrestlers, yes.. Tonight, my Yokozuna will face 3 of your so call wannabes... bring them out here now!

Yokozuna V.S. Marty Jannetty, Jake Roberts and The Undertaker

The big 700 pound monster from Japan was outweighed by his three opponents by only 80 or so pounds.. First in was Marty Jannetty and he was not very succesful against the Sumo Champion. In fact he was flung to the outside after he made a tag and wasn't seen again in the match! Undertaker and Jake, despite there past, worked well together. This might bode well for Savage and Roberts come Sunday. The ending saw Yokozuna just running out of steam and Jake hitting a DDT for the victory!

Marty Jannetty, Jake Roberts and The Undertaker defeated Yokozuna when J. Roberts pinned Yokozuna with the DDT in 0:11:44.
Rating: * 1/4

Jim Ross : Let's send it back to Josh Matthews with the Night Of Champions update!

*Scene shows Josh Matthews in a control room setting.*

Josh : Thanks Jim! We are just 6 nights away from all the championships being decided in NAW! Let's take a look at the tag team title tournament first!

Brutus Beefcake & The Miz V.S. Randy Savage & Jake The Snake Roberts
Evan Bourne & The Big Boss Man V.S. Chris Jericho & The Undertaker
Randy Orton & Rick Rude V.S. Mr. Perfect & Doink The Clown
Edge & Marty Jannetty V.S. Shawn Michaels & CM Punk

Josh : Very interesting matches... We have comments from CM Punk that were pre recorded.

*Scene shows CM Punk in a dark ally. He looks up at the camera.*

CM Punk : I have battled my way from the streets of Chicago, to the independant leagues and up to the WWE. All the way, I did it with no crutches like booze or narcotics. Last Monday, I made my first steps into the NAW Arena and I come this close to being a part of the TV title match next week on Pay Per View. Because of luck, Dolph Ziggler tosses me out and now I have to team with Shawn Michaels. A man with proven problems in the past with ego, and "rumored" drug issues. Well if he follows my direction, he will not only live a better life, but he will be NAW tag team champion.

Josh : Strong words from the Straight Edge Superstar. This Sunday will also see the TV title up for grabs as Dolph Ziggler faces, as we found out earlier tonight, Dashing Cody Rhodes. Plus for the world title, Ted Dibiase will face the man we just saw in action, Yokozuna! Folks, any way you look at it, it will be a night of action like never seen before. Join us this Sunday on Pay Per View for Night Of Champions!

Chris Jericho V.S. Evan Bourne

This was a fast paced match up that saw some great high flying action by Bourne. Chris Jericho took control of the middle part of the match with lots of two counts and a close submission with the walls of Jericho. Chris got cocky after connecting with one lionsault by going for a second one, but this attempt he missed. Evan came back with a fury of kicks and punches that stunned Jericho. The ending, however, came when Evan went for his shooting star press but missed as Jericho moved out of the way and nailed a vicious code breaker.

Chris Jericho pinned Evan Bourne with the Codebreaker in 0:08:07.
Rating: *** 1/2

After the match, Jericho hit a second codebreaker on Evan Bourne and then went for the walls of Jericho. The referees were trying hard to get Jericho off Bourne but couldn't. Just then, the Big Boss Man ran down and saved his partner for Sunday. Jericho walked off smirking.

Jim Ross : Folks, we are just about set for our Main Event. Let's take a look at last week when Bobby Heenan was having an interview with Rick Rude and Randy Orton, which team was made due to the battle royal.

*Video plays of interview from last week.*

Bobby Heenan : This is a travisty. Rick, you are worthy of any gold. The ladies love you. But to be teamed with this man, The Viper they call you. This is a black day for My Family, something you will never be a part of punk. And for the fact that we have to face off against Mr. Perfect, a loyal member to this family, and some psycho clown... This is just unfair. And another thing...

*Randy Orton hits Bobby Heenan with an RKO. He is spun around by Rick Rude and given a Rude Awakening!*

Jim Ross : Bobby Heenan is not here tonight and you have to wonder if Rick Rude will try to keep his partner for next week fairly fresh, or if The Heenan Family will want to just take care of The Legand Killer. Tonight Rude teams up with another Heenan Family Member, Mr. Perfect, but next week, they will be on opposite teams! The last member of this match, the wild card if you will, is Edge. How will the Rated R Superstar factor into this match? Let's head to the ring for this big time Main Event!

Mr. Perfect and Rick Rude V.S. Rated RKO (Randy Orton and Edge)

Mr. Perfect and Edge started out and Edge quickly took advantage of Mr. Perfect. Edge threw Perfect outside and kept whipping him into the guardrails. At the count of 8, Perfect got back in the ring and was able to get the tag. Rick Rude received basically the same treatment until Mr. Perfect and him were able to regroup and double team Edge. Any time Randy Orton got in the ring, Rude would tag out to Perfect. The match was going back and forth when the twenty minute time limit expired. The Ref let the match continue and we were in the midst of a classic. The ending finally came when Randy Orton finally got his hands on Rude and he went for an RKO, but got countered with a kick to the gut and a Rude awakening! Rude covered his team mate for next week and got the win.

Mr. Perfect and Rick Rude defeated Rated RKO (Randy Orton and Edge) when Rude
pinned R. Orton with the Rude Awakening in 0:28:09.
Rating: ***

Jim Ross : That is two rude awakenings Randy Orton has felt in the last week! How will these two men be able to co exist on Pay Per View this Sunday!? We will find out then! Good Night Everyone!

*Monday Night Fights goes off the air as Rick Rude is gyrating over the fallen Randy Orton*
BobJacobsenVER1Posted on 02/18/11 at 06:19:33

[Note : I am sorry for a bit of editing errors in the text.. I wanted to get this up here and it is late..]

*Fire comes out of the stage and the fans go wild! Pyro goes off over the ring.*

Jim Ross : GOOD EVENING EVERYONE! Tonight, we will determine the three champions in NAW... It will be a night to remember! Let's get up to the ring for our opening contest!

First Round Match For The NAW Tag Team Titles :
Randy Savage & Jake Roberts V.S. Brutus Beefcake and The Miz

The first thing that came to everyones minds during this match up was wondering if Jake and Randy could get along with each other. That test seemed to pass with frequent tags and a good showing of team work. That can't be said for The Miz and Brutus Beefcake. Brutus kept getting double teamed but Miz just stayed on the outside. Toward the end of the match, Brutus FINALLY got a tag, but after just a minute or two, Miz tried to escape. Jake was slugging Miz all the way to the back and when the ref reached a 7 count, he started running back to the ring. Unfortunetly, he reached the ring just as the 10 count was completed, counting both teams out!

Randy Savage and Jake Roberts and Brutus Beefcake and The Miz battled to adouble countout in 0:10:38.
Rating: 3/4*

Jim Ross : Folks, the winners of this next match will have a HUGE advantage because they will automatically go to the finals for the tag team titles!

First Round Match For The NAW Tag Team Titles :
Chris Jericho & The Undertaker V.S. Big Boss Man & Evan Bourne

Chris Jericho through out this match was very hesitant teaming with the dead man. It appeared he wanted to be anywhere else. He did, however, take pleasure in beating on Evan Bourne! This changed, however, when Evan started making a come back. Jericho kept trying to
tag out to The Undertaker but couldn't reach him. Jericho hit a nasty Enziguri and finally was able to get the tag, as was Evan Bourne. Boss Man thought he had the win when he hit The Sidewalk Slam, but The Undertaker just sat up. The finish came when Boss Man went for a 2nd Boss Man Slam, but The Undertaker caught him, chokeslammed him and finished him off
with The Tombstone!

Chris Jericho and The Undertaker defeated Evan Bourne and Big Boss Man when Undertaker pinned Boss Man with the Tombstone in 0:11:37.
Rating: ***

Jim Ross : The Undertaker and Chris Jericho will be in The Finals for the NAW Tag Team Titles! They may face one of the following teams, one of which has had a ton of issues over the last couple weeks. Ravishing Rick Rude has treated Randy Orton to two  rude awakenings
in as many weeks. Will these two men have any chance at all advancing to the finals? We shall see, right now!

First Round Match For The NAW Tag Team Titles :
Randy Orton & Rick Rude V.S. Mr. Perfect & Doink The Clown

This one started before the bell even rang. Rude and Orton were yelling at each other while Bobby Heenan, who had a neck brace on from getting hit with the RKO two weeks ago, tried calming Rude, while telling Orton to back off. Randy just glared at Heenan as he got in the ring. The match then was delayed by Doink trying to shake Randy's hand. Randy had nothing of it, grabbed the Evil Clowns arm and arched it back, grabbing a joy buzzer out of his hand! Doink mocked crying and then just burst out laughing. The match finally began and
Doink actually took early control of the match. Randy didn't want to, but he had to tag out to Rick Rude. Rick came in and started beating on Doink when Doink tagged out to Mr. Perfect! The two Heenan Family Members stared at each other as Bobby Heenan was freaking out on the outside. Rude turned around and slapped Randy Orton in the face, which the Ref
counted as a tag! Randy went after Rude but Mr. Perfect came from behind and stopped him! Randy was in pain but regained control and caught Mr. Perfect with a powerslam and gained the victory! Rude was surprised and seemingly unpleased that his team won!

Randy Orton and Rick Rude defeated Mr. Perfect and Doink the Clown when R. Orton pinned Perfect after a powerslam in 0:07:57.
Rating: ** 1/2

Jim Ross : The unlikely team of Rude and Orton will face off against the winners of this next match!

First Round Match For The NAW Tag Team Titles :
Edge & Marty Jannetty V.S. Shawn Michaels & CM Punk

The interesting thing about this match was Shawn Michaels and Marty Jannetty being on seperate teams. Marty started off against CM Punk, but shortly after, Punk tagged out to Shawn Michaels. Marty and Shawn shook hands, circled, and really put on a wrestling clinic.
Marty tagged out to Edge and Shawn and Edge picked up right where HBK and Marty left off. CM Punk was demanding a tag which Shawn obliged. Punk took control of Edge and had things right in hand, when he went and grabbed a Mic! He came back in and started talking down to Shawn Michaels!

CM Punk : Shawn, everyone has read the books, knows your past.. You need help...And I can set you free.. I can be your savior.. I can be your Straight Edge Leader.. You say your reborn and you praise the all mighty one above... Shawn, I'm the one you should be praising..

Shawn Michaels slowly thought about what Punk was saying and actually got in the ring.

CM Punk : That's right Shawn, just shake my hand, lets get this done, win the tag titles and go on as the strongest team ever in NAW!

Shawn thought about it a bit more...Nodded... And then gave CM Punk sweet chin music! Punk spun around dazed and was nailed by the Spear by Edge for the three count!

Edge and Marty Jannetty defeated Shawn Michaels and CM Punk when Edge pinned Punk with the Spear in 0:08:03.
Rating: *** 1/4

Jim Ross : What a turn of events! Shawn Michaels mocked Punk a bit before leaving as Punk layed unconcious in the ring. Folks, earlier tonight in our first match, Randy Savage, Jake Roberts, Brutus Beefcake and The Miz all battled hard but unfortunetly, both teams were counted out, resulting in Chris Jericho and The Undertaker receiving a bye to the finals! Before we get to our Semi Final match, lets throw it back to Josh Matthews who is standing by with Chris Jericho.

Josh Matthews : Thank you Jim. Chris, earlier tonight, The Undertaker and yourself got lucky and recieved a bye t..

Chris Jericho : Lucky? Lucky Josh? What all these parasites need to know is luck isn't in the vocabulary of Chris Jericho. If anyone is lucky, it's The Undertaker for getting to tag up with me. Do I like being in a team with "The Dead Man"? Absolutely not. But gold means
respect and even though no one shows me respect now... They will have to when I am the NAW...World...Tag Team Champion..

Josh : Strong words from Chris Jericho. Back to the ring for our Semi Final match!

Semi Final Round Match For The NAW Tag Team Titles :
Edge & Marty Jannetty V.S. Randy Orton & Rick Rude

This match was a classic. Randy and Rick do not like each other at all, but they got a chance to rest. Edge and Randy used to be long time tag team partners.. But as we saw in our previous match, winning the titles is more important then past partnerships! Marty and Edge were showing ring wear, but Marty started off against Randy Orton. Orton went right to work on Marty. Once Orton had Marty down, Rick Rude was calling for a tag. Randy flipped Rude off and Rude and Orton got into a yelling match. Marty got the tag and Edge ran in,
rolled up Randy for a 2 count. Back and forth Edge and Randy Orton went until Edge got tripped by Bobby Heenan, which Randy Orton didn't see as he was going to the top rope. Randy flew off, hitting Edge with a flying cross body press for the win!

Randy Orton and Rick Rude defeated Edge and Marty Jannetty when R. Orton pinnedEdge after a flying cross body press in 0:09:59.
Rating: *** 1/2
[Bobby Heenan interfered against Edge.]

After the match, Randy saw that Bobby tripped his former tag team partner and spun Bobby Heenan around, nailing one of the all time great managers with an RKO! Bobby Heenan was stretchured out as Rick Rude attacked Randy Orton! The two men who were going to the finals in the tag title tournament fought all the way to the back.

Jim Ross : There is no words to describe the hatred between those two men and they have to wrestle one more match together later tonight!

*A promo airs for Spin The Wheel, Make The Deal, Live on Pay Per View, March 27th.*

The Fink : Ladies and Gentlemen, it is NOW time, for the first of our three MAIN Events..And it is for, the NAW... TV Title! Introducing first, from Hollywood California,
weighing in at 223 pounds... DOLPH ZIGGLER. His opponent, from Charlotte, North Carolina, weighing in at 232 pounds... DASHING... CODY RHODES!

Match for the vacant TV Title:
Dolph Ziggler V.S. Cody Rhodes

Cody kept stalling at the beginning of the match but finally locked up with Dolph. Dolph had early control with a nasty looking dropkick which Cody immediatley checked to see if his face was alright. Cody came back, enraged at the dropkick, and started laying into Dolph. Cody locked Dolph into a a boston crab and was about to get the submission victory, but Dolph got to the ropes. The ending came when Dolph went for the zig zag, but Cody held on to the rope causing Dolph to crash to the mat. Cody picked up Dolph and and hit the
Cross Rhodes for the Victory!

The Fink : The winner of this match...and... NEW NAW TELEVISION CHAMPION... DASHING CODY RHODES!!

Match for the vacant TV Title:
Cody Rhodes pinned Dolph Ziggler with the Cross Rhodes in 0:16:23.
Rating: ** 1/4
(Cody Rhodes won the TV Title.)

*Cody clutches the belt and grins as he kisses the belt.*

Jim Ross : Congratulations to Cody Rhodes. Let's head back stage where Josh Matthews is standing by with both wrestlers competing in our main event tonight. Josh?

Josh Matthews : Thank you Jim. Ladies and Gentlemen, I am standing with The Million Dollar Man Ted Dibiase and also Yokozuna along with Mr. Fuji. We will start with you Ted. Your plan from last week has already half been successful as you trading spots with Cody Rhodes has Cody having gold. What are you thoughts on Cody's win and your match later tonight?

Ted : The kids got talent, no doubt. Now on to the matters at hand.. The Main Event tonight.. Sumo Champion V.S. Million Dollar Champion... And Mr. Fuji, you know I respect you and your man a great deal. But TONIGHT... The NAW Title is going around MY waist.. At the Royal Rumble, I had Yoko locked into the Million Dollar Dream not once, but twice... And if..No no...When that happens tonight... It will be Sayonara Yokozuna. AH HAHAHAHAHAAA..

Mr. Fuji : Oh Ted, you are few American that we tolerate.. But the end will come when my Yokozuna will plant himself on your chest, crushing not only your ribs.. But also dream of being NAW champion... It will be bye bye Mr. Moneybags...

Yokozuna : BANZAI!!!!!

Josh : Jim, back to you.

*Jim Ross at ringside*

Jim : Thanks Josh.. It is time to send it up to The Fink for our Second of our big triple Main Events tonight!

The Fink : Ladies and Gentlemen... The following contest, is the finals of the Tag Team Tournament...and it is for...The NAW... WORLD TAG TEAM TITLES.. .Introducing First...At a total combined weight of 530 pounds.. The Undertaker and Chris Jericho! There opponents... At a total combined weight of 495 pounds... Ravishing Rick Rude and Randy Orton!

Match for the vacant Tag Team Titles:
Chris Jericho and The Undertaker V.S. Randy Orton and Rick Rude

Bobby Heenan wasn't at ringside for this match due to the RKO given to him earlier. As much of an odd pairing that Chris Jericho and The Undertaker are, Randy Orton and Rick Rude just were not co existing at all. Randy Orton had gotten the last two pins to get his team to the finals, so he told Rick Rude to start the match. Rude was shouting at Randy when Jericho rolled him up. Rude kicked out at the count of two. Jericho and Rude had a nice back and forth exchange, but then Jericho tagged out to the Undertaker and Rude tagged out to Randy, or atleast tried to! Randy out stretched his arm but just at the last second, pulled it away and dropped off the Apron! Rude turned around and was caught by the Undertaker with a tombstone, ending the tournament!


Chris Jericho and The Undertaker defeated Randy Orton and Rick Rude when Undertaker pinned Rude with the Tombstone in 0:10:19.
Rating: *** 1/2
(Chris Jericho and The Undertaker won the Tag Team Titles.)

Jericho grabbed his belt and ran to the back as the lights dimmed and The Undertaker went to one knee, saluting the fans. As Undertaker left, Randy Orton got in the ring and was surveying Rick Rude.. Rude took a couple minutes to get up, but just as he was, Randy Orton NAILED Rick Rude with a punt to the head! Rude was unconcious and stretchered out as the fans cheered on Orton.

Jim Ross : My god I have never heard an eruption as I just heard... Weeks of built up tension just exploded onto the side of Rick Rudes head.. That was damn impressive. Folks, before our main event, let's send it back to Josh Matthews who is standing by with our NAW TV Champion.

Josh : Thanks Jim. Cody, congratulations on your huge victory tonight.

Cody : There was no doubt that I was going to win the belt tonight. My superior talents and my Dashing looks combined to be to much for Dolph Ziggler.

*Just then, Hall Of Famer and father of Cody Rhodes, Dusty Rhodes, shows up!*

Dusty : Thun, I don't know why your all about looks.. Your talent will you get you far enough.. But I am proud of you.. The only thing you need to realize though is that no good Ted Dibiase, he is not your friend, he used you to get to the NAW Title match tonight if you will...

Cody : First off, I don't care if your proud of me. Your washed up and a has been. Now Ted has given me his word that I will receive the first NAW World title shot when he wins the belt and there is no reason for me not to believe him. Now just go back to the farm you came from and stop trying to take the spot light away from me. You never were and never will be Dashing.. and it kills me to have Rhodes as a last name.

*Cody walks off as Dusty is left, crushed.*

Jim Ross : What an ungrateful little bastard. Ya gotta feel for Dusty here. Folks, let's send it up to The Fink for the Main Event.

Fink : Ladies and Gentlemen, it is NOW time...For our MAIN Event. And it is for, the NAW...WORLD HEAVYWIEGHT CHAMPIONSHIP! Introducing first, Making his winter residence in Tampa Florida, weighing in at 239 pounds...He is, the self proclaimed, Million Dollar Champion... TED DIBIASE! ... His opponent, led to the ring by Mr. Fuji, From Japan and weighing in at 700 pounds... YOKOZUNA!!

Match for the vacant World Title:
Ted DiBiase V.S. Yokozuna

This match was a very slow back and forth match which Ted used a strike and move approach. As the match wore on, Yokozuna tried keeping Ted down as much as he could. Yoko got two close pinfalls in a row from a belly to belly suplex and a massive leg drop. Yoko was getting very tired though and called for the end as he pulled Ted to the corner for the Banzai drop. As Yoko went for it though, Ted moved and Yoko crashed to the ground. As a dazed Yokozuna was getting up, Ted locked on the Million Dollar Dream for close to two minutes and Yokozuna finally passed out, giving Ted Dibiase the victory!

Fink : The winner of this match...And....NEW NAW WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION...TED DIBIASE!!

Ted DiBiase made Yokozuna submit to the Million Dollar Dream in 0:19:32.
Rating: **
(Ted DiBiase won the World Title.)

Jim Ross : What a night we have witnessed everyone...Thank you for joining us...GOODNIGHT EVERYONE!

*Ted Dibiase is in the ring laughing as he celebrates with his newly won gold.*
crazyarbyPosted on 03/01/11 at 05:01:53

What a great way to start a circuit! I'm stealing it.  ;)
Lots of great characters, and good writing.
BobJacobsenVER1Posted on 03/01/11 at 18:47:42

Thank you! I will hopefully get the next card up soon.. Been busy and trying to figure out a way to get cards up quicker with it still being interesting..